
#176 Area around buttons is dark

E. Nigma

The rectangular area that I think is set to
transparent in the button bitmap, surrounding the
button itself, is visible and very dark. Background
is not visible, or if it is, the area is so dark that
it cannot be distinguished from a solid color.

This happens with milk theme and milk buttons,
today's cvs. kde 3.5.2, gcc 4.1.1, etc
All stable gentoo stuff.


  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2006-10-05

    Logged In: YES

    does this happen with ALL applications or only with
    certain ones (especially gtk ones, firefox, gimp, etc.)
    if you're not sure on this, make sure you're not using the
    gtk-qt gkt style (there's probably a section for this in

  • E. Nigma

    E. Nigma - 2006-10-05

    Logged In: YES

    All qt applications I can remember now (that pc is not the
    one I'm using now) suffer the problem including, for
    example, the kde control center.
    I do use gtk-qt but I can't honestly remember if the gtk
    applications have the problem as I use only a few.

    Maybe I should try deleting the configuration files and
    re-configure baghira, to see if something specific triggers
    this behaviour. I'll do it tomorrow if I remember it.

  • E. Nigma

    E. Nigma - 2006-10-10

    Logged In: YES

    It happens if I un-check "sink groupboxes".
    I wouldn't un-check them, but radio button labels don't seem
    to get the correct background value (it doesn't properly
    darken), so I do. This comment is probably another
    bugreport, let me know if I should open a new one for this
    radio buttons with sink issue.

  • E. Nigma

    E. Nigma - 2006-10-10

    The config with the problem

  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2006-10-10

    Logged In: YES

    does it only happen to buttons in a groupbox?

    the radiobutton error is rather a problem with the kstyle
    preview widget wich is some kind of fake. common radios
    should get the proper background as well as any other
    widget as long as the developer did not explicitly set the
    widgets palette to e.g. the main widget palette or fakes
    the position (widgets inherit the parents palette, so if
    you parent a widget to e.g. the main widget put hack its
    position to appear on top of a groupbox, qt3 is pretty
    much f*** - qt4 does a better job on this)

  • E. Nigma

    E. Nigma - 2006-10-10

    Logged In: YES

    It happens with all buttons, even clickable table headers,
    comboboxes and so on. You should be able to test it using
    the config file I attached.