
#161 Apps "blinking" in Taskbar on KDE 3.5


In KDE 3.5 in Slackware 10.2, QT 3.3.4, with version
Baghira 0.7, the
programs in the taskbar "blink" (they disappear and
they appear quickly,
with the same effect if it closed the program and it
opened of new, or either, blinking)
when clicked in them, as much using "classic" or
"elegante" style.

In KDE 3.4 it did not have no problem.

And with this problem, when return for any another
style of the KDE,
it also is affected for the problem, having that to
restart the KDE.

It must be an incompatibility of new KDE 3.5 with
styles made for KDE
3.4, because the KlearLook 0.9.8 style has same
problem, but your developer said that in other
distributions (Fedora Core 4, Red 8,0 Hat and Suse 8,0)
he was perfect its subject. It seems I specify of the
Slackware the problem. My KDE 3.5 is not official,
because I caught it in the (it still does not
have official version of the KDE for slackware).


  • Thomas Luebking

    Thomas Luebking - 2006-01-15

    Logged In: YES

    how exactly do they disappear?
    i.e. is there a space left free or do other tasks shift, or
    do all tasks disappear at the same time?
    also: how fast (approximately) is the "blinking"
    and: which settings do you use for the taskbuttons (rect
    buttons, bevels or round buttons) and do you use kickers
    fake transperancy?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Hi, I can confirm this bug. I've KDE 3.5 and no fake
    transparency and rectangular buttons with removed bevel. It
    flickers e.g. when a copy/download progress window appears
    and changes the title multiple times a second -- if
    flickers every time the title is changed.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Same problem in Kubuntu with KDE 3.5.

    "how fast (approximately) is the "blinking?": Quickly

    "do you use kickers fake transperancy?": The problem occurs
    with or without transparency in kicker

    "how exactly do they disappear?" When the app in taskbar is

    "how fast (approximately) is the "blinking"": Very quickly

    "which settings do you use for the taskbuttons (rect
    buttons, bevels or round buttons) and do you use kickers
    fake transperancy? ": the problem occurred in any
    configuration of kicker

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I installed the Baghira of the CVS, in KDE 3.5.2 in the Kubuntu, and the
    problem continues. I looked for the Google in search of the solution and I did
    not find nothing.

    I tried to record a video of desktop trying to show the problem, but the video
    does not show the problem of the taskbar blinking, nor with one rate more
    than of 30fps in the record. It will be some specific problem with some resource
    of baghira, related to my X, therefore only I and the other friend below it has
    this problem?