
Source and Binary Release!

Version 1.0.7 of the source and binaries of Aztec have been released. It fixes many things, and improves memory usage by a huge margin! So give it a whirl. Here is the changes since the last binary release:


Fixed a resource leak in the WM_PAINT handling of the tool tip class.

Fixed a problem with the StdTranslators project using the wrong .DEF file.

Fixed a problem with the Primtives project. It wasn't buidling precompiled
headers in a release build, and it was using the debug version of ModelDLL
when building a release version. fixed the same problem with the
StdTranslators and AztecMain project.

Yahoo! :) Fixed a resource leak in the CImageButton::SetImage() function
It was leaking because ReleaseDC wasn't called against a previous GetDC.
This fix also makes Aztec using ~500kb less memory :) (Richard)

Fixed tooltip for the play/pause button (Richard)

Fixed play button - now it changes to the pause button when it's
pressed (Richard)

Fixed duplication bug. Objects can now be duplicated. (Thanks Richard)

Fixed Sphere creation. It was broken, it works now.

GUI - Adde din a flow layout, some gaps between controls in the Border
layout, and controls are painted the default 3d colour by default.

Aztec now searches for plugins with the *.DLL filemask, as well as
*.DLM and *.DLF.

Fixed up the View Copy command. You can now right click on a view name,
and make a floating copy of the view no worries.

Open file dialogs no longer have a *.* filter, but instead have a filter
made up of all the known file types. This makes it easier to pick out
images or meshes, or whatever you are after.

When you try and choose a texture now, it now displays all the known
Image file types, rather than just a *.*.

Incremented the Version number of the .AZT file format. Older files
will no longer load.

Made the Play button work now.

Added some conversion functions to go from Ticks to Frames and to Seconds

Added some more functions to allow the scene to have a time between two
numbers, not just from 0 to some time.

Fixed minor bug when the Aztec window was closing, it caused an Access

GUI - Added a Combo Box component

Added some functions wich make it possible to change the size of the
timescroller dynamically instead of having a fixed size timescroller. (Richard)

Fixed up images not importing properly when they had to be resized to
a smaller size for te OpenGL viewports.

Fixed up MD3 import of custom quake 3 models. It is untested on the ID Quake
models and also on the Quake 3 Team arena.

GUI - Added a TextField component to edit text.

GUI - Made the MBorderLayout class work.

GUI - Made the MComponentImpl create an empty child window by default.

GUI - Filled out the Gui classes some more.


Fixed the copying problem when first compiling the modeldll project.

Richard fixed a problem with the Modeldll project.

Added in the missing MNamedObject.h and .cpp files (Thansk richard).

Posted by Phillip Martin 2001-06-28

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