
AZip / News: Recent posts

Version 2.7

New in version 2.7:

  • Tabs: each archive subwindow has an own tab on a tab bar (new). This makes the handling of AZip easier to understand.
  • Temporary directory: you can optionally set a specific temporary directory - typically, in a RAM disk - for AZip's operations such as archive recompression. Your HD or SSD will thank you.
  • Fix: sorting column and direction are preserved on operations that modify a Zip archive (delete, add, update, recompress, etc.).
  • Single instance: when Zip archives are opened and AZip is already running, those archives are opened in that running instance - thanks to Nicolas Pinault (DrPi) for that feature!
Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2024-08-25

Version 2.6

New in version 2.6: sorting is much faster.

  • for 1024 items, sorting is ~150 times faster on one desktop PC, ~400 times faster on another one
  • for 65536 items, sorting is ~2800 times faster on one desktop PC, ~4300 times faster on the other one

Details in doc/azip_work.xls

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2023-02-18

Version 2.5

New in version 2.5:

Support for Zip_64 archives.

The Zip_64 format extension is needed when there are more than 65535 entries or more than 4 GiB data for a single entry's compressed or uncompressed size, or for a whole archive.

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2022-08-28

Version 2.41

  • Display on "Select all" & "Unselect all" is faster
  • Command "Invert selection" (Ctrl-I) was added
  • Sorting is faster on columns with numerical content
  • Sorting on data sizes is exact, even if the same amount of KiB, MiB, or GiB is displayed
Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2021-09-13

Version 2.40 - Windows Explorer context menus

The long-awaited Windows Explorer integration is there:

For files:

For folders:

This integration is activated upon installation or on demand via the Manage button:

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2020-10-03

Better compression of Audacity files

Coming soon (for the next AZip release) is a stronger and faster compression specifically for Audacity files (.aud, .au).
More about it in this article.

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2020-09-23

Version 2.38

AZip can now install itself (if requested)!

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2020-08-01

Version 2.35

  • Option for a default extraction directory (1st screenshot)
  • Drag & Drop from a folder within AZip to Windows Explorer or the Desktop
  • Context menus within AZip (2nd screenshot)

... read more

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2019-08-03

Version 2.30

A new View / Select columns menu entry allows you to select the columns that you find useful to be displayed:

More on ****.

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2019-07-25

AZip presented at FOSDEM 2019

Presentation is available as PDF and PPT.

The whole Ada Devroom day at FOSDEM 2019 is visible here .

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2019-02-06

Version 2.25

  • Added buttons for New, Open and Toggle view commands.
  • Cases where Zip format capacity is exhausted are properly handled.
  • Sorting is a bit faster.

AZip Web site:

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2018-11-29

Version 2.20

  • AZip features now the long-awaited drag & drop from AZip to Windows Explorer / Desktop.
  • AZip can operate in a "no trace in registry" mode. All you need is to put a dummy file
    with the name "azip.cfg" in the same directory as the executable, azip.exe. If
    azip.cfg is read-only, user settings won't be remembered for next usage, otherwise
    settings will be recorded in azip.cfg instead of in the registry.... read more
Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2018-08-21

Version 2.15

Improvements in the search tool.

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2018-07-17

Version 2.14

  • Uses Zip-Ada v.53 : more resistant to invalid / fuzzed archives
  • Drag & drop more intuitive on main window, if child window is maximized (rev. 248)
  • Small UI improvements (rev. 249, 250)
Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2017-11-28

Version 2.12b

Minor glitch fixed; recompressed files pass tests with 7-Zip 17.01 beta.

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2017-09-19

Version 2.12

Keyword search function is much faster and doesn't need to hold entire uncompressed entries in memory (was an issue when searching on large files).

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2017-08-29

Version 2.11

Minor addition: on Windows 7+, the AZip taskbar icon shows the progress of current operation.

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2017-04-27

Version 2.10

New minor features in this version are:

  • An "Add folder" menu command - note that this feature is already implicitly available via drag-and-drop
  • Begin of a "Quick help" dialog box
  • Access to AZip web page
Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2017-02-09

Version 2.00

AZip features now the long-awaited recompression tool.
The tool uses an algorithm-picking approach for improving a zip archive's compression.

Other improvements compared to version 1.32:

  • Glitches fixed upon aborting of any operation
  • (Windows) target folder is opened after extraction
Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2016-11-01

Version 1.32

Two issues were resolved:

  • (Windows) AZip crashed systematically when two or more archives were opened via drag & drop on a blank archive
  • The archive updater had a heavy write-close-delete cycle of a temp file with .zip extension. Using .tmp and deleting only once at the end of update operation prevents random update failures on Windows with certain antivirus programs
Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2016-10-23

Version 1.31

  • Bug fix: on extracting a selected folder, say 'lz', prevent exctracting another sibling folder, e.g. 'lzma'
  • Progress box display refresh a bit less frequent
  • Added [i] toolbar icon for archive properties
  • Properties display uncompressed sizes correctly when above 4GB
Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2016-08-28

Version 1.30

  • Deflate format - the Zip standard - is now used for quick compression (e.g for adding files, updating an archive), instead of Shrink
  • More precisely, the Deflate_1 method in Zip-Ada library is used.
  • Progress box shows the type of ongoing operation
Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2016-05-17

Version 1.28

  • When extracting files from archive: times are restored correctly during Daylight Saving Time (DST)
  • After archive update or search through archive, flat view is toggled and results are sorted upon a single click
Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2015-08-17

Version 1.27

Version 1.27 has two additions:

  • encryption is possible upon dropping files into an archive window
  • a "Properties" box was added, with some statistics
Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2015-04-11

Version 1.26 - encryption added

This version adds encryption.
Up to now AZip was only able to decrypt data from archives.

Posted by Gautier de Montmollin 2015-03-24