
#49 Initial painting yields "stretched" look

Rendering (78)

Particularly on my Mac, when I launch, the first painting of the GLWidget yields a "stretched" look (see attachment).

Resizing the window results in a normal look to the render.

Perhaps the initial GLWidget (or somewhere along the render chain) is assuming a particular window size? Avo has saved my preference for a large window.


  • Geoff Hutchison

    Geoff Hutchison - 2007-09-18

    Horizontally stretched view

  • Benoit Jacob

    Benoit Jacob - 2007-09-18

    the patch

  • Benoit Jacob

    Benoit Jacob - 2007-09-18

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    Please try the attached patch, which adds a call to resizeGL() at the end of initializeGL().

    File Added: diff

  • Geoff Hutchison

    Geoff Hutchison - 2007-09-18

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    No, it doesn't seem to work.

    Strangely, I also don't seem to save the window size on quit. I don't know if these are related. Can you reproduce the problem, or is it only my machine?

  • Benoit Jacob

    Benoit Jacob - 2007-09-18

    the new patch

  • Benoit Jacob

    Benoit Jacob - 2007-09-18

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Hm, then revert the previous patch and apply the new one.

    Here (Kubuntu, qt-copy from KDE trunk) the window size is properly saved and restored. I don't know if that can be related.

    File Added: newdiff

  • Geoff Hutchison

    Geoff Hutchison - 2007-09-19

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    That seems to fix it, although I'm not going to close the bug yet -- I'd like to figure out why my Mac isn't saving the window preferences.

  • Benoit Jacob

    Benoit Jacob - 2007-09-19

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    OK, committed.

    I have no clue why the Mac isn't saving the window preferences, though. But I understand that the fact that it restores the window size on some platforms means that resizeGL is automatically called on those platforms, which might explain why the two issues might be related.

  • SourceForge Robot

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    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).

  • Donald Ephraim Curtis

    Logged In: YES
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    I am re-opening this bug. I think it is due to when the GLWidget is created and when the MainWindow is shown. Particularly due to "delayed initialization". I was having a problem with my first GLWidget (View 1) being slow when i first started Avogadro until i resized the GLWidget, then it ran normal. I tracked the bug down to the fact that the MainWindow wasn't being ::setVisible until AFTER i had created the GLWidget or loaded settings. This is something that shouldn't be an issue but it is for some QT4 behind the scenes reason (or that's what i chalk i up to). So i have changed the order to:

    Load a File
    Show MainWindow
    Read MainWindow settings (creates GLWidgets etc)

    This way the MainWindow only becomes visible when it's ready to be used. It's not that long of a delay so there is no reason for a splash screen.

    Geoff, this is assigned to you as I would ask that you comment the line that Benoit provided: GLWidget.cpp:728 and see if this resolves your stretch issue.

  • Geoff Hutchison

    Geoff Hutchison - 2007-12-12

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    No. Without Benoit's fix, I get a "stretched look."

    I'm marking this bug closed. If we want to talk about this issue, let's open another bug thread, because what you're discussing is a new question.