
DBHOST not working for remote server

  • MJF

    MJF - 2006-03-12

    First of all, I'd like to thank wipe_out for this cleaver and intelligent script.

    Backing up local DBs works like a charm.

    But when I try to backup remote servers (DBHOST = or, the script runs and creates the directory structure, but the daily folder has no content.

    • Harley

      Harley - 2006-03-12

      Do you get anything in the error log?

      Basically the only thing I can think of is that there is some communications error.. Try connecting to the mysql server from a command line on the server running the script using the same username and password used in the script to test that the communications isn't a problem..

    • MJF

      MJF - 2006-03-12

      I found the problem.
      I forgot to place the backup server in the remote´s access host list.
      Now is working like a charm.

      Once again, many thanks for this amazing script.

      And now that I have the backup sql in another server (B), is it possible to automatically restore this sql to server (B), so I can have two DBs mirrored almost in real time ?

    • Harley

      Harley - 2006-03-13

      You could enable the "LATEST" option on the backup script and then create another script to restore the latest backup to your second server..

      Just call the restore script as a "POST" option in the configuration of the backup script or execute it with cron after the backup scripts has run..

    • MJF

      MJF - 2006-06-10

      I added the "LATEST" option but the result file still is mydb_week.23.2006-06-10_17h37m.sql.gz so I can not automatize.

      Is it possible to change the script so the result file name is always the same, lets says latest_mydb.sql.gz for instance?

      This way I can add a cron job to run mysql -u -p mydb < latest_mydb.sql.gz


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