
Features: Combat Tracker

David Klecker

AutoHarp Features: Combat Tracker

Here is a rundown of the features for the Combat Tracker:

  1. Create, edit, open and save encounters which represent a melee in the campaign.
  2. Create, edit, import or duplicate characters which make up an encounter. You can import any character sheet created with the AutoHarp: Character Manager or you can create a character from scratch.
    • You can customize the character's level, hit points, power points, Stamina, BMR, Armor, talent and shield DB, size, focus item, casting penalty as well as create a character that doesn't take stun, penalties or bleeding criticals.
    • Add all attacks for the character including information for magic items and attacks that are linked to other attacks such as a two weapon combination or racial attacks based on criticals.
    • Add all spells for the character
    • Add any specific user fields that are unique to the character such as Chi Defense or magical items the character might have.
    • add an avatar for the character.
  3. Keep track of all spells casted by opening the Active Spell View pane. You can see who casted the spell, how many rounds the spell will last, its range and RR information and scaling options used. You can double click this spell to get more detailed information.
  4. The combat tracker will keep track of all actions a character will perform during the round as well as specific initiative modifiers. It will keep track of character hit points, power points, critical status, bleeding, penalties and Movement information for the round.
    • Attacking: You can select any player, any attack, modify the critical table used if necessary and attack size. You can adjust the amount used in the attack to reserve OB for parrying, add range information for missile attacks and adjust by modifiers. Targets can select any weapon and add any parry information necessary. User can have the computer roll randomly or he can manually enter roll information. Attacks are automatically looked up based on the database used with hits and critical information given. The critical can be changed as well as all critical information. Fumble support included.
    • Spell casting: Full Spell casting support. Will look up results in casting the character's spell based on number of rounds prepped, the roll and modifier. Fumble support included. All critical data for fumble can be customized. When finished and character has added duration information, if the spell was successful it will appear in the Active Spells pane.
    • movement Maneuver: Full support for character movement based on pace and difficulty. User can adjust the feet per hex to get customized distance results. Fumble support included as well as critical customization for fumble results. If successful, movement maneuver information will appear on the tracker on the main window.
  5. Highlighting: The combat tracker will highlight characters based on certain criteria. For example if the character is unconsciousness or dying or dead. Combat Tracker highlights the character who is acting. User can select any character on the main window and perform any action necessary: attack, spell casting, maneuver or even adjust critical information such as hit points, power points, etc.
  6. Initiative is automatically calculated and all characters are sorted with highest initiative at the top.
  7. All critical information can be updated at any time. Initiative, Hits, power points, bleeding and penalties can be updated by clicking the column,row and adjusting on the fly.
  8. Combat Tracker will save state during combat in case you wish to close the program or program closes unexpectedly. To return to the exact spot where you left off, restart Combat Tracker and open the XML state file. The Combat tracker will automatically open the state file if combat was not finished when application is closed.