
AuthLib / News: Recent posts

Todo List

Easier Customization --
++ Central "fields" definition.
++ User defined "fields" validation function.
++ Central variable decleration.
++ Singular template loading and parsing system.
++ Messages and errors to be defined centrally.

Language Interoperability --
++ Since messages and errors are centralized,
++ changing language would be much easier.

This re-structured version of Authlib will bear version number, 2.0 and progress on the project will commence on 19th September 2001

Posted by Mukul Sabharwal 2001-09-19

Authlib Released @ SourceForge

Heyo People,

Authlib has been released for a long time now, well around 2 months or so, but I hadn't used sourceforge, rather wasn't familiar with it!

But now it's released on SourceForge, its bug free, long hours in the night have resulted in such a turn key project. I hope you like it -:)

Posted by Mukul Sabharwal 2001-02-28