
#27 /dev/dsp busy with Return to Castle Wolf


------- sound initialization -------
/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
Could not open /dev/dsp
This comes from the start of RtCW.
Sound works fine under Xfree 4.1.0.
/dev/dsp has been changed with chmod 666 but it still
doesn't work

I have a fairly new motherboard (Asus A7V266). My
soundcard is a Turtle Beach Montego I. I run slack 8.0
heavily modified (ie kern 2.4.16, with some patches,
but it didn't work when standard either) and it works
like a charm except for RtCW.

Othere games like Unreal Tournament worked perfectly
(never tried Q3 tho).

Please help?


  • Jonathan Whiteman

    Logged In: YES

    i'm having the same problem on a system
    with an aureal vortex 2 purchased directly
    from aureal, and an original A7V motherboard
    (bios revision 1007) ... sound works in
    everything else i've tested, including quake3

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    i've got the same problem with wolf and quake 3.
    I'm interested if a solution is found.

  • Jonathan Whiteman

    Logged In: YES

    damnit. the new quake3 1.31 patch broke
    sound and now quake3 is having the EXACT
    same problem wolfenstien has been having.

    has anyone had any luck getting around this
    problem short of switching sound cards?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    *Damn* I got the same problem with Quake 3 (point release
    1.31) - Some if anybody out there have a patch/fix I'm very
    interested (Now I wish I had another soundcard, nothing but
    trouble with Aureal Vortex 2)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    The same for me...
    I really think about changing my soundcard.

    and what about the drivers... It makes a long time
    since last cvs update...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    yes, quake3 point release, version 1,31 hangs with core dump while init sound.
    Seems that 1,30 works fine.
    Strange though, mpg123 works, but reloading q3 says /dev/dsp busy...


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