Benjamin - 2015-09-16

Dear everyone,

I'm seeking for your help for an upcoming paper, close deadline...
Here is the setting, I have rather a complex graph, with node labels inside the nodes. Obviously not something new.
So I would like to make an export of the highest quality so the reviewers can zoom in the picture.
I've tried using the snapshot quick access button but the resolution is limited to 1012x790.
I've tried using the view's (NLD.saveSnapShot() ) but whatever the sizes I'm passing, I can't get anything close to a high resolution, it seems to be thresholded by the current NLD view's properties somehow.
I know that David could export very high resolution images for the CNRS poster displayed in the subway, but how did you do it?

If anyone has a solution, a quick workaround, you're very welcome (my deadline is closing in...)

Thanks a lot!!