

  • Amine Ghozlane

    Amine Ghozlane - 2013-10-02


    I want to animate my graph (changing the node size and/or color) based on the frequency of each node in different states. The view in spreadsheet is really nice, but I want to see it as an animation.
    Is there any plugin available to animate the graph based on node properties ? In testing repository ?

  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2013-10-16

    You can create your own plugin if you want by building from source. Do you know C++? Is this a viable endeavor for you? Sorry for the late reply, I don't get email updates to the forums...

  • Amine Ghozlane

    Amine Ghozlane - 2013-10-25

    No, unfortunetly I'm not very familiar with c++. I release my plugin for tulip with python. Should I create a tulip perspective to do this ? Is it possible through python interface ?

  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2013-10-25

    Well, you can certainly do the animation during the import. Is the animation static, meaning once it is made you don't need to keep changing it?

    In your import plugin, all you would do is set the viewColor and other pertinent properties as you create the nodes and stuff. It's really easy. Jump on IRC: freenode, #tulip.


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