
ATutor/AContent Standards Update

February 22, 2011
ATutor/AContent Standards Update
We are happy to announce a number of updates to ATutor standards compliance efforts.

1. *ATutor BasicLTI Certification*: ATutor 2.0.2, with the new External Tools module, now complies with the IMS BasicLTI standard. This allows administrators to link external tools into ATutor and make them available to content authors to add to their content as learning activities. Instructors and content authors can also add their own external tools to individual courses, so they too can be added to content as learning activities.

2. *ATutor 2.0.2 Common Cartridge 1.0 Update*: Common Cartridge was originally added in ATutor 1.6.4. ATutor 2.0.2 is also now certified compliant with the standard. Common Cartridge is used to define self-contained learning units, providing a standard way of packaging content, tests, and activities, so they can be bundled up and shared across courses, or across learning environments that support the standard.

3. *AContent 1.1 Common Cartridge 1.0 Certification*: AContent now complies with the Common Cartridge 1.0 standard. Like ATutor, it can be used to author interoperable content, tests, and activities. It can also be integrated with other learning environments to provide content authoring, packaging, and repository functionality.

4. *ATutor/AContent AccessForAll Implementations*: Both ATutor and AContent include an implementation of the AccessForAll standard. This standard provides a means of authoring and packaging adaptations of content that can be used to accommodate individual learning needs. For example, providing video captioning for learners who are deaf, or providing text in place of visuals for learners who are blind. AccessForAll content can be packaged as part of a common cartridge, and transferred between courses, between ATutor and AContent, and between learning environments when they support Common Cartridge and AccessForAll.

ATutor Demo and BasicLTI Module Download

AContent Demo and Download

See the ever-growing list of systems complying with IMS interoperability standards at:

ATutor IMS Product Listing & Conformance Mark

AContent IMS Product Listing & Conformance Mark

Posted by Greg Gay 2011-02-22

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