
Atlantibots / News: Recent posts

Working Scripts Available

Currently none of the developers have time to maintain the CVS..... hopefully that situation will change soon.

We actually have some working scripts now - check out the file section of

All available as python source - useable and useful scripts !!

Scripts available :

loadandmerge - merge your reports and your allies reports into a 'superreport' containing all the information.
tradereport - calculate profitable and quick trade routes based on the wanted/For Sale lists from cities.
sentry_monitor - automatically check hundreds of locations for unexpected troop movements.
flag_checker - automatically set and monitor the flag settings for some/all of your units.... read more

Posted by mike foord 2003-08-28

Project Start

Well the Atlantibot project is now open.
We have even been joined by Pete Christie who wrote the first Atlantibots I ever came across in Pascal.

Most of us are working in Python although we have one C++ writer and another coder who aims to work in Java and Python.... so it should prove fun.

The eventual aim of the project is to produce several fully featured 'Atlantibots' to battle it out on an Atlantis world. These are scripts that read Atlantis Turn reports and generate orders....... These 'automated factions' would have to cope with exploring their world and dealing with other factions as they discover them.... read more

Posted by mike foord 2003-07-04