
#17 User defined Template Variables to be used in pages & blocks


1) Would be fine to be able to define admin's own
template Variables in pages & blocks.
New variables could be added on Content Editor admin
It would be useful for some reusable elements like:
static links, date, html colors, company name, info, etc...
Then could be inserted through the Page Editor or the
Block Editor, or the suggested Template Editor (using
<!-- variable name --> template tag style).

2) As for the used <!-- ... --> style template tag: it
is very good, but would be useful to make the template
tag delimiters changeable by the admin in FreeWPS
config. The reason is, that if some users are moving
from another CMS to FreeWPS, they likely uses different
template tag styles, like <% ... %>, or { ... }, or %%
... %%, etc...
The configurable template tag delimiters would really
help other users to minimize the number of changes,
they need to do on their templates.



  • Webmaster33

    Webmaster33 - 2003-11-09

    Logged In: YES

    Furthermore, Template Variable tags should have 2 types:
    Global and Local

    Global tags should be available sitewide, on every page & block.
    Local tags should be available in current entity and below,
    based on Local tag hierarchy.

    Local tag hierarchy should be the following:
    1) Category assigned pages (page group):
    Local tags assigned to a Category, should be available on
    all Pages assigned to the Category, and on the Blocks
    assigned to the pages in the Category.
    2) Individual page:
    Local tags assigned to a Page, should be available on that
    page and on the blocks assigned to that page.
    3) Block
    Local tags assigned to a Block, should be available on that
    Block only.

    The Global and Local Template Variable tags should be
    possible to add, edit, delete on the specific Admin page,
    like category, page or block edit pages.

    These features would make FreeWPS a very flexible system.


  • Webmaster33

    Webmaster33 - 2003-11-09
    • priority: 5 --> 9
  • Justin White

    Justin White - 2003-11-18
    • priority: 9 --> 5
  • Justin White

    Justin White - 2003-11-18

    Logged In: YES

    Anyone can define their own template variables. There are
    two methods available now in v1.3b1 and more will be
    available in the near future.

    1. Any additional blocksides that are defined show up as "<!--
    BLOCKSIDECONTENT-->", where "blockside" represents the
    side name.

    2. Any other defined template tags can be filled at runtime
    using the FUNCTION custom_createpage() in the STYLE.PHP
    file. Some PHP coding and SQL knowledge may be needed to
    make this bit work, but it does work. I know of at least one
    professional website that uses this method to randomize the
    display of a background image with every page load, pulling
    an image name from an SQL table and replacing a custom tag
    (I think the tag is <!--BGIMAGE-->) with the file name.

    As to your second point, I chose the use of HTML comments
    for the sole purpose of making the design process as easy as
    possible for those with no CGI experience. This may be a
    minor point, but that's a pretty significant plus in favor of
    FreeWPS over other systems. A simple find-and-replace can
    fix most of those templates (although, why would someone
    use %% as a beginning and ending delimiter).

    I haven't given up your suggestion, but I would like to get
    more feedback before dedicating resources to it. And your
    additional comment just confuses me. The template tags are
    only for replacement at runtime. If you want to juggle blocks
    between pages (where some blocks only appear on certain
    pages), that feature is available in the v2.0 demo, as well as
    per-page templates, so that each page could have a different
    template (if you choose). This feature will expand in the final
    2.0 release to include all pages in a category as well.

  • Justin White

    Justin White - 2003-11-18

    Logged In: YES

    Request from another RFE:

    A Context based help about available template tags (at
    bottom of current editor page) would be fine on Page
    Editor, on Block Editor, and on the suggested Template
    Editor. It would show those Global and Local template
    tags, which are actually available for a specific page
    or block.

  • Webmaster33

    Webmaster33 - 2003-11-19

    Logged In: YES

    >A simple find-and-replace can
    >fix most of those templates (although, why would someone
    >use %% as a beginning and ending delimiter).

    Personally I prefer & use the ASP like template tags:
    <%command parameter%>
    And I would not want to change to other style, due to
    compatibility things (with other templating system).

    >And your additional comment just confuses me.

    Sorry that I confused you.

    However I think the suggestions are clear:
    1) Definable variables (it exists in some way as you pointed

    2) Admin Configurable template tag delimiters (should be an
    easy modification)

    3) Hierarchical Variable system to make complex websites
    very flexible.
    Just imagine if you need to define, edit i.e. 300 global
    variables within the same page/form. Very difficult.
    That's why the Global & Local variables was introduced.
    Global variable is available everywhere.
    Each Local variable should be available at the entity where
    it is used and levels below. Local variables can be set in 3
    - Category based Local variable is available on all pages &
    blocks assigned to a category.
    - Page based Local variable is available on the page we
    edit, and the blocks assigned to that page
    - Block level Local variable is available only in that one

    Is it really confusing?
    The logic follows the logic what most website use. Websites
    usually have Categories (in other word: page groups), Pages,
    Content Blocks on the websites.
    Yes, they further have Sides (top, bottom, left, right,
    body, etc.), but in case of variable usage, I did not see
    the reason to limit a variable usage to a Side.

    Best regrads,

  • Justin White

    Justin White - 2003-11-19
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Justin White

    Justin White - 2003-11-19

    Logged In: YES

    I guess I just don't see the purpose of the global vs. local
    thing. Why would I want 300 tags in a page? The system can
    handle it and PHP does a fantastic job with strings (see my
    post @ comparing array_search to strstr), but would
    each page really end up with 300+ template tags? Are you
    describing the page template files or some other module to
    allow this? The concept of breadcrumbs is ingenious and
    useful, and that idea will become an add-on at some point,
    but I'm not sure where the multiple-tags-thing applies.

    As to the configurable tag delimiters, yes the change would
    be easy. However, most website designer are very
    comfortable with HTML comments...hence the choice. Maybe
    the configurable tags can be an advanced option that can be
    enabled, but not by default. Does that sound close enough?

  • Webmaster33

    Webmaster33 - 2003-11-19

    Logged In: YES

    >Maybe the configurable tags can be an advanced option that
    >can be enabled, but not by default. Does that sound close

    That's exactly I suggested. Sounds fine, of course.

    >I just don't see the purpose of the global vs. local thing.
    >Why would I want 300 tags in a page?

    No. Misunderstood me. Not 300 in a page, but 300 sitewide.
    300 was just an example number of tags, which number of tags
    & variables could be used on a big website. And editing so
    much variables on the same page would be difficult & confusing.
    Instead, if variables are placed into a hierarchy, then only
    those variables are listed to edit for a specific entity
    (category, page, block), which belongs to it as Local variable.

    Your solutions are fine for small sites, but IMO would fail
    for big sites. Just imagine a site with hundreds of pages
    and hundreds of categories. How easily can you manage it?

    Also there are variables, which I don't want to make
    available as global variable, since it belongs to a specific
    page. Think how variables behave in different blocks in PHP
    or Perl. My suggestion is similar.


  • Justin White

    Justin White - 2004-02-24
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-accepted
  • Justin White

    Justin White - 2004-02-24

    Logged In: YES

    The template tags are now able to be updated. The tag
    delimiters can be modified in the Website Configuration
    module, under the "Modify Tag Delimiters" option on the
    Navigation menu.

    The common template "tags" will have to be a project for
    further down the road. I haven't integrated it into my
    roadmap, so that should become more solid this week.

  • Justin White

    Justin White - 2004-04-10
    • status: closed-accepted --> open-accepted
  • Justin White

    Justin White - 2004-04-10

    Logged In: YES

    The first part of this request has been accepted, although
    it's not set to appear until v2.2. The tags will become
    available in the editor and will be administered in the
    Website Configuration.

  • Justin White

    Justin White - 2004-04-10
    • milestone: 210005 --> v2.2
    • summary: User defined Template Variables to be used in pages & blocks --> User defined Template Variables to be used in pages & blocks
    • priority: 5 --> 1

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