
#15 Option modifying background shading on focus, and font FX.


This patch is dedicated to readability on transparent
aterm, because it looks very nice but it is not really
readable depending on the background image. This patch
adds two nice features :

- the -fsh 'focus shading' option, that allows you to
set an additionnal shading to the background when the
aterm is focused. Then your terminal is still
transparent but with more or less shading depending on
the option value you gave (in a sense this is similar
to the Eterm themes 'disabled' feature, but far much
faster). It is highly inspired from the Mike Dean's
patch for opaque background. -fsh takes a value and
substracts it to the -sh value when the focus is on the
window. If this value is 0, the effect is the same as
the Mike Dean's patch : the background is the solid
color set by -bg option.

- 'font drop shadows' when transparency is actived.
This means that each character has a small shadow as
with Eterm's option '--font-fx bottom_right black'.
Thank for the help of an anonymous Fluxbox fan ! The
terminal readability is hugely improved !

To use, apply the patch by copying it on the aterm
top-level directory and type:
patch -p0<aterm-0.4.2_focus_shading.diff
Next recreate the configure script (from the top-level
directory of the distribution) with:
autoconf -l autoconf autoconf/ > configure
Then, configure with "--enable-focus-shading" (this
configuration option is NOT enabled by default):
./configure --enable-focus-shading
Next, make aterm, the documentation including -fsh and
install it :
make alldoc
make install

Then launch an aterm for instance like this:
aterm -tr -trsb -sh 60 -fsh 30
for focus shading or
aterm -tr -trsb -sh 60 -fsh 0 -bg black
for opaque background.

You should not use both focus-shading and Mike Dean's
opaque background at the same time.
Enjoy (especially with FVWM Crystal) !


  • Cedric Bastoul

    Cedric Bastoul - 2004-02-17

    Patch for background shading on focus, and font FX.

  • Mike Dean

    Mike Dean - 2004-03-01

    Logged In: YES

    Nice patch Cedric. I deleted my opaque background patch
    (since this one provides all the functionality of it and more).

    One typo in your instructions, though. The autoconf command
    uses a dash capital "eye" (as in include), not a dash
    lower-case "ell" so the proper command is:

    autoconf -I autoconf autoconf/ > configure

    Mike Dean

  • Jannes

    Jannes - 2004-06-05

    Logged In: YES

    I am using that patch now, but it seems like it is messing
    up some background drawing with mutt. (and maybe other
    ncurses based apps?)
    I have the fontFocus option set to 0, but when I open mutt
    in aterm, not the whole window is tinted black. only the
    single characters have a black background. In some
    situations this messes up the terminal to be totaly unreadable.

    Any feedback on this one? any workarounds? I really like the
    Font Shading.


  • Cedric Bastoul

    Cedric Bastoul - 2004-06-06

    Logged In: YES

    (answer to SMOK) It's right that there are problems with
    ncurses programs, I don't use mutt but mc (the file
    manager), but as far as I know these problems occur without
    my patch also... This can be solved by redefining the colors
    (I don't know if it's possible with mutt). For instance this
    is my -long- call line for mc :

    aterm -sl 500 -tn xterm -sh 60 -fsh 30 -bg black -fg
    lightgrey -tr -trsb -fn
    +sb -e mc --colors directory=green,
    default:executable=brightgreen, default:link=brightmagenta,
    default:device=brightblue, default:special=brightred,
    default:normal=lightgray, default:selected=black,
    cyan:marked=cyan, default:markselect=yellow,brown:core=cyan,

    Sorry that I cannot help more for the moment , I will try to
    find a solution like this for mutt...


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