
at51programmer / News: Recent posts

at51programmer - No Software Patents

Take a minute to think about it!

"There is no protection against the patents of your competitors other than a massive counterthreat. It's all about balance of terror, like in the Cold War."

"Software patents would be negative for most of us. In fact, even some of those who demand or defend software patents today would deeply regret it later. It would only be too late then."... read more

Posted by at51prog 2005-03-10

at51programmer version 0.0.6 released

Now, schematics and PCBs (hardware) are available for download.
Use Protel 2.8 or newer (Protel 99, 99SE or DXP) to open the files.
You are ready to try and test it.
So this at51programmer project version 0.0.6 is the first working version, and all modules are available for download.

Posted by at51prog 2004-02-25

First Linux tools for AT89S52

First Linux Tools are available for download from The module name is at51tool. The module contains: getid89s52, erase89s52, write89s52, read89s52, enable_communication and disable_communication.

Posted by at51prog 2004-01-27

First stable firmware version

First stable firmware version commited and available via cvs.

Posted by at51prog 2004-01-22