
extended horoscope and editing database

  • Alicia

    Alicia - 2011-02-25

    Text available in extended horoscope only.

    Under table "aspects" there is only interpretions for "SYNASTRY" but nothing for NATAL 
    I have tried adding extra entries to the database under aspects and created a ID NATAL to add natal aspects. 
    However i am having trouble with this.  Here is a table i created under "aspects"

    table feilds in mysql database under table aspects
    language: EN
    id: NATAL
    planetfrom: 0
    planetto: 1
    aspect: 900
    textnr: 1
    text:  sun in harmonious aspect to the moon text sample

    What am I doing wrong?  what other file do i need to edit?  I am still getting: 
    "Text available in extended horoscope only."
    for aspects between sun and moon.

  • Peter Schulz

    Peter Schulz - 2011-02-25

    Hi Marialice,

    Just to be sure: Have you been able to add this record to the table? Can you select the record from the table?

    For a natal horoscope you'll need to use other aspect values than the once provided with the synastry. The values used in the synastry example are very basic. This synastry only use harmanonic (900) and disharmonic (901). In a natal horoscope there are much more values: 0, 180, 120, 90, 60, 150, 30, 45, 72, 135, 144. Which means that you'll need to add text for every aspect for which you have an interpretation. The values are directly related to the aspect corners: 0 is Conjunction, 180 is Opposition, and so on. You could also use harmonic/disharmonic which is simpler to implement but less accurate. You would need to change the software to get that functionality however.

    Hope this helps. If you further support, please let me know. You can also mail me directly:

    All the best,
    Peter Schulz


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