
Asterisk-java 0.1 released

Asterisk-java 0.1 a Java control for the Asterisk PBX has been released.

The Asterisk-java package consists of a set of Java classes that allow
you to easily build Java applications that interact with an Asterisk
PBX Server. Asterisk-java supports both interfaces that Asterisk
provides for this scenario: The FastAGI protocol and the Manager API.

The FastAGI implementation supports all commands currently available
from Asterisk.

The Manager API implementation supports receiving events from the
Asterisk server (e.g. call progess, registered peers, channel state)
and sending actions to Asterisk (e.g. originate call,
agent login/logoff, start/stop voice recording).

Asterisk-java is available under Apache 2.0 license at

Posted by Stefan Reuter 2005-05-02

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