
AssociationViewer / News: Recent posts

AssociationViewer 2.0

AssociationViewer 2.0 is online

Posted by Olivier Martin 2010-08-20

AssociationViewer 1.7

AssociationViewer 1.7 is online

Posted by Olivier Martin 2010-01-20

AssociationViewer 1.6

AssociationViewer 1.6 is online. Some bugs fixed, some new features implemented, major changes in the API.

Posted by Olivier Martin 2009-10-19

AssociationViewer 1.6 beta

A beta release of version 1.6 is available on the web site only (not on SourceForge)

Posted by Olivier Martin 2009-09-04

AssociationViewer 1.5.1

AssociationViewer 1.5.1 is online. It fixes several bugs, including a major one concerning Manhattan plots.

Posted by Olivier Martin 2009-07-14

Versioning: how to know what changed

To know what are the new features/bugs fixed when a new version is put online, you can either go to the website (Develop -> Website), or search in the relevant Tracker menu and filter according to the group (which uses the same versioning, i.e. 1.4, 1.5, etc...)

Posted by Olivier Martin 2009-07-13

AssociationViewer 1.5

AssociationViewer 1.5 is available

Posted by Olivier Martin 2009-07-08

AssociationViewer 1.4

AssociationViewer 1.4 is available (source code and documentation updated)

Posted by Olivier Martin 2009-04-21

Publication and citation

If you use AssociationViewer in your work, please cite this publication:

Olivier Martin, Armand Valsesia, Amalio Telenti, Ioannis Xenarios and Brian J. Stevenson
"AssociationViewer: a scalable and integrated software tool for visualization of large-scale variation data in genomic context"
Bioinformatics doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btp017

Posted by Olivier Martin 2009-03-09

Javadoc available

Javadoc for version 1.3.1 is available in the download/source section

Posted by Olivier Martin 2009-02-05

Poster available

Scientific poster is available in the files/misc section. Since AssociationViewer has been published in Bioinformatics, relevant citation can be found in the web site ( )

Posted by Olivier Martin 2009-02-04

Source code

Source code for version 1.3.1 is available in the download section.

Posted by Olivier Martin 2009-01-28

AssociationViewer 1.3.1

AssociationViewer 1.3.1 is online. It fixes a potentially critical bug.

Posted by Olivier Martin 2009-01-23

AssociationViewer 1.3

AssociationViewer 1.3 is online

Posted by Olivier Martin 2009-01-15

AssociationViewer 1.2

AssociationViewer 1.2 is out

Posted by Olivier Martin 2008-12-16

Re-organization before 1.2 release

As version 1.2 will be soon released, download section is going to re-organized. Required libraries will be included with each version releases (there are currently stored in the same location). Everything related to versions older than 1.0 will be deleted.

Posted by Olivier Martin 2008-12-04

FAQ for version 1.1

Small FAQ for version 1.1 is available.

Posted by Olivier Martin 2008-10-15

AssociationViewer 1.1

AssociationViewer 1.1 is online

Posted by Olivier Martin 2008-09-12

AssociationViewer 1.0

AssociationViewer 1.0 is available, this is a major release, so unexpected behaviour (aka bugs or strange features) might occur

Posted by Olivier Martin 2008-08-12

AssociationViewer 0.98a

AssociationViewer 0.98a is out, two bugs are fixed.

Posted by Olivier Martin 2008-06-19

AssociationViewer 0.98

AssociationViewer 0.98 is out, some remaining bugs will be fixed soon.

Posted by Olivier Martin 2008-06-18

AssociationViewer 0.97a

AssociationViewer 0.97a is online, some annoying bugs were fixed

Posted by Olivier Martin 2008-05-28

New screenshots

Screenshots were updated to reflect application changes

Posted by Olivier Martin 2008-05-27

AssociationViewer 0.97

AssociationViewer 0.97 is out.

Posted by Olivier Martin 2008-05-26

AssociationViewer 0.96

AssociationViewer 0.96 is online

Posted by Olivier Martin 2008-05-13