

Will Pittenger Bharath Gaddam

As already noted, you can declare your own keywords for use in calls to procedures, functions, and complex statements. However, some identifiers are always keywords.

Keyword Details
abstract used to mark a class as abstract (not ready to be instantiated)
abstract used to mark a method or property as a abstract (use in place of virtual)
and Boolean AND operator
band Bitwise AND operator
base used to access a base class; See [Derivation] for more information
bitfield Marks the start of a bitfield; see [Bitfields] for more information
bnor Bitwise NOR operator—shortcut for bnot(a band b)
bnot Bitwise NOT operator
bor Bitwise OR operator
break used to interrupt a complex statement or end a case clause inside a switch statement
bxnor Bitwise XNOR operator—shortcut for bnot a band bnot b
bxor Bitwise XOR operator—shortcut for (a band bnot b) bor (bnot a band b)
byvalue When a formal parameter, return type, variable, or data member is declared with this type modifier and the type would normally be a reference type, forces the compiler to use store it by value instead; If a formal parameter was declared with byvalue, byvalue must also proceed the actual parameter; See also [By value versus by reference]
case Used with switch and else to implement a switch statement
catch used to handle an exception
class used to declare a class
command used to declare a command
conditional used in place of var to create a variable that’s meant control whether later code should or shouldn’t be ignored; these variables correspond to #DEFINE in C; must be a global variable; the type used must be const and declared in a project that’s already compiled; see [Conditional compilation] for more information
conditionalif Like if, but meant for conditional compilation use; corresponds to #if in C; See [Conditional compilation] for more information
const when used as a class modifier, declares the class is immutable
const when used as a modifier before the command/function/statement keyword used to declare a method, specifies the method won’t change any member and can be called on a constant instance.
const when used in place of var, declares a named constant (can be any immutable type)
const when used with var in the form "var const String name", declares a String where the String is constant, but the reference to the String isn’t (also how you declare a function that returns a reference to a constant object)
constructor a type of procedure that must be a member of a class and initialize the class; static constructors initialize the static members; default constructors are provided automatically by the compiler
creator used to run additional code in allocation so that the new operator knows how much memory to allocate (runs before the constructor and returns the number of extra words to allocate; most classes don’t need this)
delegate A type similar to a function pointer in C; The C# delegates are very similar; See [Delegates] for more information
destructor a type of procedure that cleans up; many classes don’t require one; the compiler provides one if one isn’t declared; destructors are called by the garbage collector
div Integer division operator
else used with if and then to build if statements; used with conditionalif and then in [Conditional compilation]
enum Enumeration type; See [Enums] for more information
event a type used to create events; See [Events] for more information
exists When inside a conditionalif statement, causes a comparison to check if a conditional variable exists rather than doing something with its value. See [Conditional compilation] for more information.
expression When used in place of var when declaring a run-time parameter, causes the program to reevaluate the expression each time it’s referenced. The type modifiers ref, out, byvalue, and const are invalid in expression declarations.
explicit Requires that a type cast be explicitly used before the compiler can apply it
extends used to derive classes, structs, or interfaces
final when applied to a class declaration, prevents other classes from deriving from this class
final when applied to the declaration of a virtual method or property, prevents derived classes from overriding the method or property
finally used to clean up after an exception
function used to declare a function
get used to declare the get accessor for a property
if used with then and else to build if statements
implements used to implement an interface
implicit causes a type cast procedure to one that the compiler can apply implicitly without any code
inner when applied to the declaration of nested class, causes it to be associated with a specific instance of the enclosing class; the closest equivalent would be non-static inner classes in Java
instructions used to call instructions that are passed to a complex statement
interface used to declare an interface
mod Modulus integer operator
new When used inside a class or struct declaration, allows you to declare something that would hide a member of one of the base classes.
new When used inside code, this is an operator that allocates memory
next used to tell a complex statement to start a loop over
nor Boolean NOR operator—shortcut for not(a and b)
not Boolean NOT operator
null a special value for all reference types indicating the variable has no value
onbreak Special label that the code jumps to inside a complex statement when it encounters the break keyword
onnext Special label that the code jumps to inside a complex statement when it encounters the next keyword
operator used to declare an operator override
or Boolean OR operator
out Like ref, but tells the compiler the caller will initialize the parameter and is valid for parameters only; If a formal parameter was declared with out, the actual parameter must be proceeded with out as well
override used to override a virtual or pure virtual method or property (use in place of virtual)
params In DASIL, each script takes an array of strings with this name; the entries are the parameters passed to the script
private used to mark a module, class, or struct member as private
property used to declare a property; use in place of var (You must declare either a get or set clause inside each property)
protected used to mark a module, class, or struct member as protected
public used to mark a module, class, or struct member as public
readonly used to declare a var that can’t be changed once initialized (must be initialized by either the declaration or the constructor)
ref Marks a formal parameter, return type, variable, or data member as being passed by reference; If a formal parameter was declared with ref, the actual parameter must be proceeded with ref as well
rem Marks the start of a comment that extends to the end of the line; must start the line
return used to return from a procedure; when used in a function, specifies the return value
returns used to tell a function what it returns
set used to declare the set accessor for a property
statement used to declare a complex statement
static marks a member or method such that the compiler creates one and only one for the class
static when placed in front the class keyword, causes all members and methods inside that class to become implicitly static
structure used to declare a structure
switch Used with case and else to implement a switch statement
then†‡ used with if and else to build if statements; used with conditionalif and else in [Conditional compilation]
throw used to throw an exception
throws used to specify that a procedure, function, or complex statement can result in an exception that the caller must handle
try Used to start a block of code that might throw exceptions and you want to handle those exceptions
typealias Declares a type alias; See [Type aliases] for more information
typecast Declares a special type of method for type casting. See [Type casts] for more information.
undeclare Used to undeclare a global (to that namespace) identifier
union Marks the start of a union; see [Unions] for more information
using Provides a way to force a local variable to go out of scope.
value used in set accessors to object the value passed by the user (not a keyword in other contexts)
values Special keyword used to begin a block listing the values for a struct-based enum type; not reserved outside struct-based enum types
var used to declare a variable (either local or global), a data member of a structure/class, or a run-time parameter
virtual used to mark a method or property as virtual
volatile Tells the compiler that a data variable or member may be changed at any time by code in an external module: var volatile string s = "sdf"
where Used to declare type restrictions on a generic type parameter
xnor Boolean XNOR operator—shortcut for not a and not b
xor Boolean XOR operator—shortcut for (a and not b) or (not a and b)

Keywords marked with † are only treated as keywords in select circumstances.

Keywords marked with ‡ maybe dropped. They have little to no use in ASIL.

Keywords marked with ✽ are only valid in DASIL scripts.

If you need a keyword (reserved or otherwise) as an identifier other than a custom keyword, prefix the keyword with @. This will cause the parser to look for something besides a keyword.


Wiki: Bitfields
Wiki: By value versus by reference
Wiki: Conditional compilation
Wiki: Delegates
Wiki: Derivation
Wiki: Derivatives-DASIL
Wiki: Enums
Wiki: Events
Wiki: Home
Wiki: Type aliases
Wiki: Type casts
Wiki: Unions
Wiki: keywords-abstract
Wiki: keywords-base
Wiki: keywords-bitfield
Wiki: keywords-break
Wiki: keywords-byvalue
Wiki: keywords-case
Wiki: keywords-catch
Wiki: keywords-class
Wiki: keywords-command
Wiki: keywords-conditional
Wiki: keywords-conditionalif
Wiki: keywords-const
Wiki: keywords-constructor
Wiki: keywords-creator
Wiki: keywords-delegate
Wiki: keywords-destructor
Wiki: keywords-else
Wiki: keywords-enum
Wiki: keywords-event
Wiki: keywords-exists
Wiki: keywords-explicit
Wiki: keywords-expression
Wiki: keywords-extends
Wiki: keywords-final
Wiki: keywords-finally
Wiki: keywords-function
Wiki: keywords-get
Wiki: keywords-if
Wiki: keywords-implements
Wiki: keywords-implicit
Wiki: keywords-inner
Wiki: keywords-instructions
Wiki: keywords-interface
Wiki: keywords-new
Wiki: keywords-next
Wiki: keywords-null
Wiki: keywords-onbreak
Wiki: keywords-onnext
Wiki: keywords-operator
Wiki: keywords-out
Wiki: keywords-override
Wiki: keywords-params
Wiki: keywords-private
Wiki: keywords-property
Wiki: keywords-protected
Wiki: keywords-public
Wiki: keywords-readonly
Wiki: keywords-ref
Wiki: keywords-rem
Wiki: keywords-return
Wiki: keywords-returns
Wiki: keywords-set
Wiki: keywords-statement
Wiki: keywords-static
Wiki: keywords-structure
Wiki: keywords-switch
Wiki: keywords-then
Wiki: keywords-throw
Wiki: keywords-throws
Wiki: keywords-try
Wiki: keywords-typealias
Wiki: keywords-typecast
Wiki: keywords-undeclare
Wiki: keywords-union
Wiki: keywords-using
Wiki: keywords-value
Wiki: keywords-values
Wiki: keywords-var
Wiki: keywords-virtual
Wiki: keywords-volatile
Wiki: keywords-where
Wiki: operators-and