
#117 Hard Drive Related Issues.


First and foremost, I have this problem with any drive I install AROS on, not just the one I am currently using.

1. When copying files from my AROS hard drive to my 2.0 USB external drive, the files transfer at an average of 129.34kBytes per second. And yes, my computer has USB 2.0 ports.

2. Sometimes when copying large files to my external hard drive, it will tell me that the external drive has vanished, and to please replace it. Mind you, even if I do unplug the drive and plug it back in, it still will not see it.

3. When writing files to a drive in Dopus, I am unable to open up that drive and view it's contents under Wanderer. It'll slowly open the drive, but will not display Icons.


  • Christopher Ream

    I am running this on an EMachine T6528 which according to what I have read, should be fully supported by AROS.

  • Krzysztof Smiechowicz

    What filesystem do you have on your external HDD?

  • Christopher Ream

    Fast32 formatted under Windows XP.

    I've had someone bring that up in the forums, but the thing is that none of the other OS' that I run have these issues.

    The strange thing though is that I can copy from the external drive perfectly fine. It's the writing to it that produces issues.

  • Krzysztof Smiechowicz

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