
#26 Extend the page layouts/page management


Extend the frames support for a richer layout configuration. Investigate Apache Tiles for possible ideas. Provide better page navigation and nesting. The platform currently includes a basic form of nested panels and nested updates but this is not yet fully integrated as the primary page reference mechanism. The notion of the target area should be deprecated and the target should just be some container.

The page management should also be updated with this in mind so that a page is also just a container, albeit one that is tracked by the page manager and such that the page is a unit of a replaceable UI. This change may need some refactoring of the Page, PageHelper and Widget dapter classes.

The page may then need to be aware of its context and may need to be extended to include information for layout and scaling. The Editor will also be affected with the value of editing within frames being diminished (as the frames concept disappers) and as a page or template could be applied in many different contexts. Some additional design time information may need to be recorded to enable proper runtime layout.


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