
Arch Linux / News: Recent posts

Arch Linux 0.5 (Nova) Released

Arch Linux 0.5 (Nova) is now available for download. Over the last seven months we've added a million package updates, PAM support, LVM support, GRUB support, and a ton of other little things that you may not notice, but are working behind the scenes to make your Arch Linux experience as smooth as possible.

We've provided two ISO images with this release:

* the full-size image (628mb) contains all official packages
* the base-only image (105mb) contains only base packages needed to get your system up and running.... read more

Posted by Judd Vinet 2003-07-21

Arch 0.4 (Dragon) Released

We are pleased to present Arch 0.4 to the public for general consumption. The ChangeLog and package list are at their usual locations.

This release comes with KDE 3.1rc5 and GNOME 2.0.2 as well as the latest versions of all our usual packges: OpenSSL 0.9.6h, OpenSSH 3.5p1, XFree86 4.2.1, Linux 2.4.20, GCC 3.2.1, and Glibc 2.3.1.

Dragon still provides a streamlined package set (323 packages) but if you want more you can always access our unofficial package repository, which has about 350 more packages and is growing fast. Docs can be found here and live help can usually be found in the #archlinux channel on We also have a user forum where you can post your problems and suggestions.

Posted by Judd Vinet 2002-12-18

Arch 0.3 (Firefly) Released

Arch 0.3 is out and about on sourceforge, and should be on the other mirrors within a day or two. See for a concise list of improvements/updates.

Installation can be done by CD or FTP. See for more information.

Posted by Judd Vinet 2002-08-07

Arch Linux 0.2 (Vega) Released

Arch 0.2 is now available for download. You now also have the option of installing over ftp instead of cd -- just download the disk images from a mirror and you're off.

Improvements/Additions since 0.1:

- interactive installer cabable of cd- or ftp-based installs
- pacsync utility for upgrading your system automatically
- more packages, latest versions of all packages
- stock kernel package
- improved package manager
- root/boot disk images for install and rescue
- many small bugfixes

Posted by Judd Vinet 2002-04-17