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Showing 12 results of 12

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated Priority
23 vHaqnVQo Feature_Requests open 2009-03-05 2009-03-05 5  
22 Case insensitive address book Feature_Requests open 2004-01-22 2004-01-22 5  
21 Bad headers mess up download None open 2004-01-22 2004-01-22 5  
20 filename field cleared on cd when saving attachment None open 2004-01-21 2004-01-21 5  
19 Internal Error del_cinfo: tried to delete a nonexistant con None open 2004-01-21 2004-01-21 5  
18 Fail to extract PGP key from email None open 2004-01-21 2004-01-21 5  
17 reply to email includes non of original text None open 2004-01-21 2004-01-21 5  
16 save msg to file always appends to existing file None open 2004-01-21 2004-01-21 5  
15 msg preview pane starts msg display part way through email None open 2004-01-21 2004-01-21 5  
14 strange sort order in address book None open 2004-01-21 2004-01-21 5  
13 clipboard warnings on copy/paste None open 2004-01-21 2004-01-21 5  
12 cancelled message edits are not cancelled None open 2004-01-21 2004-01-21 5  
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