
Project Startup

This is KG2V, the guy who got suckered into supporting APRS-SCS ( and I mean that in a good way ).

I hope to be uploading the project the the SVN repository this weekend, and I'm hoping that I get a few people to help me, be it as a developer, a tester, or just a plain old user

The goal is first to get the main line VB6 client cleaned up in prep to move to VB.NET. There are a few "Old Control" OCXs that need to be replaced, and I want to get rid of all the old gosub and goto commands before the attempted port to .NET

For right now, I think targeting Framework 2.0 is the right idea, as part of the goal is to make the application "Mono" compliant

73 de KG2V

Posted by KG2V 2008-10-10

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