

Appinventor - VMware - CrunchBang #! Linux - Debian Bootable Linux Flash Drive

3/24/2012 Updated Vmware virtual Machine
3/24/2012 Added Debian bootable flash drive image with Appinventor installed, see below

This project has two flavors. Linux in a VMware virtual machine or Linux on a Bootable Flash Drive ###

  1. Browse Wiki Pages for Both Projects
  2. Appinventor running in a Virtual Machine Visit the Wiki Page to proceed to this project
  3. Appinventor on a bootable flash drive Visit the Wiki Page to proceed to this project

Note: login and password are both: appinventor

There are some tools that may be needed for one of all projects. These are noted on the specific Wiki page as well

  1. 7Zip or something that can uncompress the .7z project file
  2. VMware Player for Windows
  3. WimImage to write the image to your flash drive

Additional Recommended Tools

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