
firewire soundcard, qjackctl and freebob

  • APO33

    APO33 - 2009-03-03

    I need some peeps to help to fix this out.
    apparently the firewire sound card and jackd/qjackctl is still a hot threat out there!
    We need to give a kick in it!!!!

    So I need some beta-testers to try to find what's the problem and fix the bug for apodio.

    Are you ready.?????!!!! let do it!!!!!


    • APO33

      APO33 - 2009-03-03

      so in fact my Edirol Firewire FA-101 works perfectly with freebob driver in qjackctl
      I had fun with audacity, ardour, AMS, PD, Kluppe...etc recording, playing, real-time effect and sound manipulation.

      so I will now generated a new apodio version, I think I will put 5.10-rc1


    • toyoto

      toyoto - 2009-03-31

      hey me too!

      it works very well with my presonus FP10, i'm currently listening my music, with a bootable disc, accessing my files upon a ntfs hard disk

    • toyoto

      toyoto - 2009-03-31

      (straight out of the box this is okay)


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