
#4 automated directory downloads. (aka magnet link to folder)



I want to suggest easy method for solving serious problem that all users of DC are suffering from.

I think most serious disadvantage of DC protocol is unability to automatically download whole folder. e.g. it's impossible to give link to DVD folder with AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS.

We have large DC-based P2P network here (few thousands of users, almost 1000 online in peak times). All nice Apex/StrongDC/... features are cute, but just cute and nothing more. Oldest versions of this software would still be fine. Nobody really interested in new DC clients. We have content portal where user posts new cool content, but there is problem that it's hard to download content of many files such as DVD movie or game folder with hundreds of files.

While it's hard to change DC protocol, there is other workarounds which I'd like to suggest.

I think really cool would be to add some (very basic, very easy to implement in short time) scripting. e.g. some file with .dcscript extension. We just need two commands supported there:

DIR dirname -- this should create directory dirname in default download folder.
FILE dirname magnetlink -- this should put magnet-link to download queue to be downloaded to dirname. same as if user clicked right mouse button and selected 'download to folder...'

Another cool thing would be option to automatically process .dcscript files if they has this extension and syntaxically correct.

So, if somebody want to share DVD, he just use some software (like AFML)to create .dcscript file, save it somewhere in shared folder, take magnet link for this file and publish it. Other user download this file, and (automatically, depending on settings) create necessary directories and download all other files.

This would make Apex DC++ speed mod best choice for most DC networks where users need to share DVD or other many files content.

other very cool option would be to integrate LUA into apex and share some hooks to lua scripts. If lua script can be executed when file is downloaded, and it can put new file to download queue and it has access to configuration, to know what is current default download folder - this minimum is enough to implement such modification as plug-in. I could write it in LUA.

you can contact me using email yaroslaff (at gmail-dot-com). I speak russian better then english. :-)


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