
AOLibrary / News: Recent posts


Sorry I haven't done anything with this lately. There are several changes and improvements that were made since the last release, but I broke some things in the process and haven't had time to finish fixing them.

Posted by Merlin4 2009-07-03

First Release

The first release of AOLibrary is up and available for download :). Get HMDBot and see what the library can do.

* ao.protocol.simple.SimpleBot implements all necessary functionality for connecting to Funcom's chat servers and sending packets back and forth.
* ao.protocol.simple.SimpleBot auto-pings so you don't have to.
* ao.modules.AOModuleList and ao.modules.AOBotCommand make it easy to add functionality to a bot.
* ao.protocol.simple.AOMonitorFrame helps with debugging and provides an easy interface for a bot's superadmin.
* ao.protocol.simple.AOLoginDialog makes connecting to a server much easier and interactive than editing text files. It also means that your password does not need to be stored locally, once the bot has successfully connected. (This may change when functionality to restart a bot is implemented.)
* ao.protocol.AOCharacterIDTable and ao.protocol.AOGroupTable allow character IDs and group IDs to be mapped to their respective names with ease.
* The packet types for private messages, vicinity messages, anonymous vicinity messages, system messages, and group messages have been implemented. They extend ao.packets.AOMessagePacket so you can write:
println( packet.display(charTable, groupTable) )
when you recieve one, in order to get a nice log message that looks like it would ingame :)... read more

Posted by Merlin4 2008-03-29

In The Works

I'm working on getting the SourceForge page up and running. Mainly, I'm seeing what features are available here and how they work atm, but I'm also trying to resolve any outstanding copyright questions in preparation to posting the first public version of the library.

Posted by Merlin4 2008-03-08