
Fluids/physics plugin source

  • bob

    bob - 2010-05-29

    Since i  still can't see when i will get to work on the fluids I will release the code this weekend (approximately).

    Its not finished. Its ugly and will not be all that easy to read. However I can answer questions here and on irc etc. There are a lot of things that where experimental and won't make any sense, there are other bits where i was just trying things out, and i don't even remember if they worked. You get the idea. Remember that full fluid physics interaction was my end goal.

    While i go through the code and sort out the licenses, feel free to suggest *how* to release the code both with respect to licenses and repository.  Currently I will release "my" code under a BSD type license and the AoI derived code under a GPL licenses. I will use git for version control and would just manage submitted patches . I am happy to "transfer" copyrights to either plug in maintainers or otherwise so that the license can be changed at a later date without my permission etc…

    Sorry that i haven't finished it yet.

  • bob

    bob - 2010-05-29

    That didn't line wrap on my computer…. Please tell me its line wrapping for the rest of you.

  • Harald G

    Harald G - 2010-05-29

    Please tell me its line wrapping for the rest of you.

    It doesn´t… - but I can read it with some vertical scrolling.

    And its´good news - hopefully this will help to improve or develop it further.
    At least it makes sure the code can be ported to newer versions of AoI.

    Thank you for this excellent piece of Software - it´s still a lot of fun (especially with my new cpu!)


  • Nik Trevallyn-Jones

    Hey Delt0r!

    Thanks for releasing this!
    I'll put both source and binary into AOISP.
    I've been setting up a GIT repository on one of my other SF projects (…must finidh that…), so I'll try to set one up for the plugins in AOISP. That will make it relatively easy to push/pull changes between ourselves. :o)

    Thanks again for this.


  • bob

    bob - 2010-06-02

    I haven't forgotten. Just busy. Hopefully by the weekend we will get to see the code.

  • bob

    bob - 2010-06-06

    Copyright is either GPL 2 or better (same as aoi) or BSD for the deltor.sph stuff.

    There it is. Bare, ugly and public. Every bad habit i have when hacking is in there to see.

    Note this was always experimental, and right now, if i was going to do it again, I would start again.

    Or I would  ask Peter how he would do it, since this is the sort of thing that is his day job these days as I understand.

    Nik77 if you set up a git repo I would be happy to push straight too it.

    cheers guys. Wish i had more time to work on this.

  • Nik Trevallyn-Jones

    Hey Delt0r!

    Thanks for this.
    I will set up a GIT repo for this in AOISP sometime during this week. I will post back here when it's done.

    Thanks again!!


  • Peter Eastman

    Peter Eastman - 2010-06-06

    Don't feel bad about your code being ugly or hacked.  There certainly are lots of things in AoI I would do differently if I were writing them today!  One of the good things about open source, though, is that it really encourages me to do things properly and not cut corners, because I know other people will be looking at my code.

    I'll try to look over your code in the next week or so and get back to you with comments.


  • Runnerblood

    Runnerblood - 2010-10-27

    Hey, Deltor, firstly thanks you for your extraordinary plugin :D It's the BEST addition to this AWESOME (thanks Pete) software.

    Secondly, is it just me, or the code is kinda' mathematical-requiring app? I mean, requiring LOTS of maths/physics (lol, I'm dummy… physics plugin) … I'm 15 (I'm at highschool) and can't understand most of the coding.

    Third point: @Peter: is this so much complex or I am pretty… dummy?

  • bob

    bob - 2010-10-27

    Its not just you. The code is pretty messy and quite under documented, it has a bunch of hacks where i was just trying something out, and then never removed, and a bunch of threading code. I would tend to start again rather than use the current old version as a base.

    However generally you would need to know a bit about physics, fluid dynamics in particular, and numerical solutions to them. How they work and how they break to have a good chance of understanding the details.

    But yea, don't get me wrong. Its not great code.

    I wrote my first PDE solver at 15. Just a Poisson solver using SOR, was pretty slow on my Mac 512. ;)

  • Peter Eastman

    Peter Eastman - 2010-10-27

    I wrote my first PDE solver at 15. Just a Poisson solver using SOR, was pretty slow on my Mac 512. ;)

    Show off. :)


  • bob

    bob - 2013-03-11

    Sorry to bump something so old. But the links are likely to expire at any time. I moved from Vienna to Switzerland at the start of the year.

  • Patrick

    Patrick - 2013-03-11

    so I should download the source and save it?


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