
Bones won't work

Greta West
  • Greta West

    Greta West - 2013-12-21

    In the old version of AOI I had no trouble creating bones for an object. But with the newest version I can't draw bones. When I press ctrl and click, I can see a set of handles but no kite-shaped bone. What am I doing wrong?

  • Luke S

    Luke S - 2013-12-21

    Hmm... Just checked, and I can't reproduce this. How have you gotten your copy of AOI?

    • Installer for your OS?
    • Generic ZIP file?
    • Compile from source?

    Other questions:

    • Are you using the openGL interactive rendering?
    • What extra plugins, if any, do you have installed?
  • Greta West

    Greta West - 2013-12-21

    I used the installer for Mac OS.

    I really don't know what open GL interactive rendering is despite googling it just now.

    Here are the plugins I have installed:

    I hope this info helps solve my problem. If not, thanks anyway.

  • Luke S

    Luke S - 2013-12-21

    The OpenGL rendering is an option that allows AOI to use your video card to speed up rendering in the editing windows. To find out if you have it enabled, go Edit>Preferences. There is a checkbox in the bottom third.

    Another question. Have you created more than one bone? You wont get the 'kite' shapes until there is more than one bone.

    ...And I think that I just found what is happening to you. :) If the first bone is not selected (highlighted pink) the next bone you create will be the start of another bone chain... They will not be connected.

    • If you have clicked away from your first bone, click it again.
    • If you need to scroll far away to the location of your second bone, zoom out.

    Hope this helps :)

  • Pete

    Pete - 2013-12-22


    There's probably nothing wrong. Just (in the mesh editor) select View/Show/Bones.

    If the Bones are unselected it still shows the handles, which is strange, but that's what I saw happen just a minute ago.


    Last edit: Pete 2013-12-22
  • Greta West

    Greta West - 2013-12-22

    Dopey me. Pete was right. I just didn't have View/Show/Bones clicked. I feel like such a doofus. Thanks, Pete.

    Sorry I bothered you, Luke S. And thanks for your trouble. Now I'm off to make some bones.

  • Pete

    Pete - 2013-12-22

    Hey, never mind! You're not alone :D


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