
Picture for Art Gallery

  • Isaiah

    Isaiah - 2015-04-05

    Hi Peter! I was wondering whether you'd want this picture for the art gallery on the Art of Illusion website. I had some trouble uploading it, so let me know if you can get it.


    Last edit: Isaiah 2015-04-05
  • Luke S

    Luke S - 2015-04-05

    Seems to have uploaded just fine.

    Whether Peter wants it for the gallery or not, can I say that that is a cool image?

    • Isaiah

      Isaiah - 2015-04-06

      Yes you can, thanks! :D

  • Nathan Ryan

    Nathan Ryan - 2015-07-08

    So is there a place to upload pics/files/code? I've suggested the wiki here before but didn't get much response. Here's my latest...

  • Nathan Ryan

    Nathan Ryan - 2015-07-08

    I think this would be a good way to make AoI more popular as well. There are a lot of "lurkers" out there like me that use it a lot. Maybe a Pinterest page or other social media site would help as well.

  • Kevin D.

    Kevin D. - 2015-07-08

    I think a wiki is a cool idea. I'm not exactly sure how the submission process works. The question is: can images be uploaded by anyone, or should they need be submitted to a moderator of some kind. A wiki would also be a great place to post new tutorials.

    I too have some images that no one has ever seen.


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