
android won't show web interface

  • Andreas Feldmann

    I tried running anyremote2html to get my Android phone to act as a remote control for my PC. I start anyremote using the command
      anyremote -f "/usr/share/anyremote/cfg-data/Server-mode/amarok" -s socket:5000 -http
    and anyremote2html with
      anyremote2html -w 5550 -a 5000 -d

    For some reason the phone won't show the page. Instead it gives a 404 error. I posted the output of anyremote2html below. To me it looks normal, except that for some reason the html request of my phone comes in twice even though I only requested it once.  When I open the webpage at port 5550 on a different PC in the network I can see the buttons and control Amarok without problems. Only Android seems unable to get it right.

    Any suggestions on what might be going wrong?

    HTTP daemon started                               
    Default web page ready                            
    Connected to anyRemote                            
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 Got=>Set(parameter,debug,on);Set(title, Turbonegro -  Are You Ready (For Some Darkness));Set(skin,default);Set(icons,Amarok2,1,vol_down,2,mute,3,vol_up,4,rewind,5,play,6,forward,7,prev,8,stop,9,next,*,question,0,pause,#,no);<                                                                         
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 Got from anyRemote proceed =>  Set(parameter,debug,on);Set(title, Turbonegro -  Are You Ready (For Some Darkness));Set(skin,default);Set(icons,Amarok2,1,vol_down,2,mute,3,vol_up,4,rewind,5,play,6,forward,7,prev,8,stop,9,next,*,question,0,pause,#,no);                                                
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 Got from anyRemote buffered =>                         
    renderHtml  1                                                                   
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 renderHtml                                             
    CMD: >Set(parameter,debug,on<                                                   
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >Set(parameter,debug,on<                          
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >DONE<                                            
    CMD: >Set(title, Turbonegro -  Are You Ready (For Some Darkness)<               
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >Set(title, Turbonegro -  Are You Ready (For Some Darkness)<                                                                       
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >DONE<                                            
    CMD: >Set(skin,default<                                                         
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >Set(skin,default<                                
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >DONE<                                            
    CMD: >Set(icons,Amarok2,1,vol_down,2,mute,3,vol_up,4,rewind,5,play,6,forward,7,prev,8,stop,9,next,*,question,0,pause,#,no<                                       
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >Set(icons,Amarok2,1,vol_down,2,mute,3,vol_up,4,rewind,5,play,6,forward,7,prev,8,stop,9,next,*,question,0,pause,#,no<              
    ['vol_down', 'mute', 'vol_up', 'rewind', 'play', 'forward', 'prev', 'stop', 'next', 'question', 'pause', 'no']                                                   
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >DONE<                                            
    CMD: ><                                                                         
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: ><                                                
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >DONE<                                            
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 renderHtml finished                                    
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 Got=>Set(status,);Set(font,small);End();<              
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 Got from anyRemote proceed =>  Set(status,);Set(font,small);End();                                                                      
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 Got from anyRemote buffered =>                         
    renderHtml  1                                                                   
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 renderHtml                                             
    CMD: >Set(status,<                                                              
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >Set(status,<                                     
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >DONE<                                            
    CMD: >Set(font,small<
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >Set(font,small<
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >DONE<
    CMD: >End(<
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >FINALIZE<
    CMD: ><
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: ><
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 CMD: >DONE<
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:05 2009 renderHtml finished
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:42 2009 Got /
    Converted /
    Got root request
    needUpload= 1
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:42 2009 Got HTML (takes 0.1 seconds)
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:42 2009 write responce
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:42 2009 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:42 2009 Got /
    Converted /
    Got root request
    needUpload= 1
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:42 2009 Got HTML (takes 0.1 seconds)
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:42 2009 write responce
    Sun Aug 30 18:13:42 2009 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    • Mike

      Mike - 2009-09-01

      Are there any chance to try another WEB-browser on Android ?
      (or try to connect to <host>:5550 from another PC by WIFi ?

      • Andreas Feldmann

        I tried other wen browsers, among them the standard browser, a wap browser, and opera. None of them would show the web page. I alos connected to my PC from another Laptop by WIFi and from there I could access anyremote without problems and control Amarok on my PC. The funny thing is that I can download the index.html via
        wget <host>:5550
        on from Android and the browser is able to show the downloaded html file from the internal sdcard. So i do not understand why the browsers are not able to show the page when I try to access it directly.

  • Mike

    Mike - 2010-09-06

    I've tried anyremote2html v1.4 on Android emulator and discovered that it works


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