
#4 Blank Page for install


Sorry if this is such a beginner question but I can't
seem to get anything to happen when I point my browser
to the install.php on my site. It loads a complete
blank page. Is this an error with my webserver
configuration? I'm currently running a php message
board on my site so I know php works. I've chmod all
the files to 755 and even 777 to see if it will work.
Thanks for any help provided.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I have the same problem on a SuSE 9.2, Apache2. Is this ever
    going to be resolved?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I've tried this on 3 different servers of mine and none of
    them work. I think this project is dead. I've moved on to

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I looked at the install.php code for anyInventory 2.0 and
    realized it is calling the DB.php file. This file does not
    exist anywhere in the progam. I do not get a black page but
    of course my web browser tells me that the DB.php files does
    not exist. Also the Readme.txt says nothing about having to
    substitute your mysql connection information for the
    variables. This may not be needed but its sure looks like
    thats the case when looking at the install.php code. Is
    this realy ready for production? Please respond!

  • Mike Seigafuse

    Mike Seigafuse - 2005-10-13

    Logged In: YES

    I just went through this as well. What I found is that
    DB.php is actually part of PEAR. I resolved this by adding
    the path to PEAR (/usr/share/pear in my case) to the include
    path in my php.ini.

    Hope that helps someone else...


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Having the same problem with my Windows install of Apache 2.1/PHP5/MySQL 4.1. I do indeed have PEAR in my include path in PHP.ini, have PEAR installed, and have no error messages in my Apache logs about a missing PEAR file. It seems that this is a bug in anyInventory that needs fixing. Moving on to find am inventory system that works.


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