
Flow Across a Cross Section

  • sachi canning

    sachi canning - 2009-03-25

    Hi all, i am just running some simple tests on an open channel.

    For a trapezoidal open channel, is there a way i can get the flow in m3/s at a given cross section in the channel?

    Also when you get 'speed' 'stage' 'depth' etc. in the .csv file what unit is the speed in? I have read that is the square root of the total of x-momentum squared plus y-momentum squared (Speed = SQRT((x-momentum)^2 + (y-momentum)^2)), but im not sure what units the x and y momentum is in.

    Any help much appreciated

    • Vincent Edgewater

      Hi Sachi,

      I remember asking this question at some point recently. 

      Try the following python code for grabbing the flow:

      from anuga.shallow_water.data_manager import get_flow_through_cross_section

      flow_line = [ [123.0, 456.0], [789.0, 123.0] ]
      # Define a poly-line

      model_times, model_q = get_flow_through_cross_section(filename='your_sww_file', polyline=flow_line, verbose=True)

      fid = open( "flow_plot_out.csv", "w" )

      i = 0

      while i < len(model_times):

        fid.write( str(model_times[i]) + ", " + str(model_q[i]) + "\n" )

        i = i + 1


      I believe the flow will be in m3/s but don't quote me on that - also i'd have thought the other quanitites you mention will be in SI units. 

      speed = (xmomentum**2 + ymomentum**2)**0.5/(stage-elevation+1.e-30)

      (don't forget to divide by the depth)

      I'm guessing speed should be in m/s

      Let me know if anything doesn't make sense. 



      • Vincent Edgewater

        PS.  I think the indentation of the code got screwed up

        fid.write( str(model_times[i]) + ", " + str(model_q[i]) + "\n" )

        i = i + 1

        should be indented


        • Ole Nielsen

          Ole Nielsen - 2009-03-30

          Thanks Vincent for replying to Sachi's posting.
          I can confirm that flow rates are in m^3/s and speeds in m/s.


    • sachi canning

      sachi canning - 2009-03-31

      Thanks for the reply, I have it working and writing to the csv file. works well


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