
Eclipse Indigo support

  • Karsten Tinnefeld

    Eclipse Indigo (3.7.0) is available, and it's based on DLTK 3. Can you already estimate when ANTLR IDE will be available for Indigo? Currently it cannot be installed due to its dependency on org.eclipse.dltk.core [2.0.0,3.0.0).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-07-12

    I'm also interested in support for Indigo (with DLTK 3) because Indigo addresses some problems with Galileo/Helios on Linux.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-08-06

    We really need this as well.

  • chrschn

    chrschn - 2011-08-10

    I also would be very interested in an update of the plugin for Indigo.

  • Andrea Santi

    Andrea Santi - 2011-08-23

    +1. Really need the support for ANTLRIDE under Indigo… can you please update it? It should be just a change of dependecies (if the dltk code has not changed so much). Any news about this?

    Many thanks for your work.

  • Edgar Espina

    Edgar Espina - 2011-08-28

    Hey guys,

    The Indigo Release version is available for download. It supports ANTLR 3.4 too.


  • Arne Schröder

    Arne Schröder - 2012-04-17

    Hi there,

    the release for Eclipse Juno is comming up in June and I would love to try it out. However, I need ANLTR IDE and there is no version for Eclipse 4.2 which includes DLTK 4.

    Thanks for listening.

  • Michael Yip

    Michael Yip - 2012-05-10


    I installed all the packages and corresponding versions as required. I created a new Java project from scratch and was not able to see "ANTLR IDE" in the drop down menu when I right click on the folder to add ANTLR support for this project.

    Any idea?



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