
#236 Dependency Analysis unacceptably slow

cpptasks (103)

First, we love cpptakss since we have a mixed Java/C++ environment that targets multiple platforms (Windows, Linux(es), Solaris etc.). For this kind of environment cpptasks is very handy.

However, the dependency analysis is killing us and there is a growing chorus to bail on cpptasks. This is not a new issue (although I could not find a bug report for it).

Dependency Analysis literally takes longer than a clean build. So folks get grumpy when they change one file and have to wait for 40 minutes. I've been trying to find workarounds and have seen the patch provided by Helge Schulz (OpenSHORE) a SIX YEARS AGO that showed significant performance improvement under some situations while not degrading others. ( However, that patch is for some way back version and doesn't seem to merge easily.

I have seen many other comments of users bailing due to dependency analysis performance. I believe this is the most important deficiency in cpptasks for use in substantial C++ projects.

Any hope for relief?


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