
AnaXagora / News: Recent posts

AnaXagora LMS v3.0

A brand new version of the LMS and Souris is today proposed to you. This new version includes correction of bugs, and also a new personnalized path with the tool UCCASS.
To install it, go to LCMS/install/, it will create configuration files and databases. Then, connect with login "admin" and password "anadmin", and of course, change the password. Then you can create courses and users.

Posted by Marie-Laure Watrinet 2007-01-25

AnaXagora Integrated 2.0

The second integrated release of AnaXagora is out.

This version integrates as the previous one HR (competence management), KM (knowledge management)
and LCMS (e-learning platform) modules into one unique platform. AnaXagora now also integrates a new module : the BPM (Business Process Modelling) module as a client java application.

In this version, the KM module has been improved to get faster, and the LCMS module has had some corrections.

Posted by Marie-Laure Watrinet 2005-12-22

AnaXagora Integrated 1.0

The first integrated release of AnaXagora is out. This version integrates the HR (competence management), KM (knowledge management) and LCMS (e-learning platform) modules into one unique platform.
While the LCMS module existed in its version 2.0 since october 2004, the other modules are new developments, partly coming from existing projects and adapted to fit into an integrated platform.
The LCMS as also been improved (now version 2.5) to offer a better SCORM support.

Posted by Sophie Ramel 2005-04-22