
Amrita Virtual Private Network / News: Recent posts

Amrita VPN 0.99 released

This release fixes a bug that caused amvpn to become CPU bound when there's a congestion/break in the outbound link.
Keepalive message option has been added to help detect connection breaks as quickly as possible so that a fast reconnect can take place. The latest release can be downloaded from

Posted by Jayaraj 2003-11-10

AmritaVPN 0.98-2 released

This release fixes the problem that prevented amvpn from binding to low ports. It has several message logging enhancements. The latest version can be downloaded from

Posted by Jayaraj 2003-08-17

AmritaVPN 0.98 released

This release has major feature enhancements including an email notification framework and monitoring facility for key/cert files changes. Latest version can be downloaded from

Posted by Jayaraj 2003-07-31

AmritaVPN 0.97-2 released

This release fixes a signal handling bug which could cause server aborts under certain conditions. Latest version can be downloaded from

Posted by Jayaraj 2003-07-03

AmritaVPN 0.97 released

This release fixes an error logging bug which could cause server aborts. It has several security enhancements. Latest version can be downloaded from

Posted by Jayaraj 2003-06-14

AmritaVPN 0.96 released

This release contains major feature enhancements including support for connecting through proxy (with basic authentication), automatic reconnects, enhanced amvpn-keytool, and enhanced amvpn service script to support multiple VPN connection configurations. Latest release can be downloaded from the AmritaVPN home page at

Posted by Jayaraj 2003-05-24

AmritaVPN 0.95-3 released

This includes enhanced server message logging to include
the Distinguished name of the client connecting.

Posted by Jayaraj 2003-05-09

amvpn-0.95 bug fixes and enhancements

amvpn-0.95-2 release has several bug fixes and
enhancments over the 0.95 release. Problem occuring during large downloads has been fixed.

Some pieces of error handling code has been enhanced. Visit for downloading the latest version.

Posted by Jayaraj 2003-05-08

AmritaVPN 0.95 (Stable) released

This release features transparent connectivity of Microsoft/Samba networks via the VPN. See the project page at

Posted by Jayaraj 2003-05-03