

Angel Vidal Veiga

aMule stands for all-platform eMule file-sharing program. It is affiliated with the eMule project and was forked from xMule on 08/2003. It connects to the eDonkey2000 network, supports Linux, Mac, Solaris, *BSD platforms, and nearly every processor arch.

Project Members:


  • nsynet

    nsynet - 2019-09-27

    Last edit: nsynet 2019-09-27
  • Felix Saz

    Felix Saz - 2020-11-08

    Graphic interface for amulecmd

    I have developed a graphical interface for amulecmd. But I have the following problem:
    amulecmd >show ul
    Answer with a line like this:
    numbrer space user_name space file space size
    With this answer I do not know when the user name ends and the file name begins.
    numbrer space user_name '\t' file space size.


    Last edit: Felix Saz 2020-11-08

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