
#9 Open Link in Always Same Separate Window



now, you can open links in either a new window or the
main window.
How about opening it in a window separate from the
channel view, but still reusing that window?

(<a target='AmphetaDesk' href='....'> style links)


  • UnrulyGrrl99

    UnrulyGrrl99 - 2003-03-20

    Logged In: YES

    >opening it in a window separate from the
    >channel view, but still reusing that window?

    I vote for this one for "seperate window" but
    still offer user "same window" if they really
    want it

  • Morbus Iff

    Morbus Iff - 2003-03-21

    Logged In: YES

    I'll consider putting a frontend to this in a future version
    of AmphetaDesk, but you can, in fact, change this right now.
    On the "My Settings" page, yes, I only offer "new or same",
    but the actual setting can be changed to whatever you want.

    If, for instance, you wanted to change it to "my_window",
    close AmphetaDesk, open AmphetaDesk/data/mySettings.xml
    (which may or may not exist - if it doesn't, change a
    setting through AmphetaDesk first, then come back) and look for:


    Change that to "my_window", then restart AmphetaDesk and all
    your links will be tagged based on your entry. Could you
    tell me why you would need/want this? Besides something like
    AmphetaFrames, I'm not seeing a good enough reason to
    possibly confuse people by adding an optional input box.

  • Morbus Iff

    Morbus Iff - 2003-03-21
    • assigned_to: nobody --> morbus
  • Fred L. Drake, Jr.

    Logged In: YES

    I'll note that there's no need for an input box.
    Configuration for the feature doesn't require that the user
    directly specify the target name, only that AmphetaDesk use
    exactly one extra window for the links. The specific target
    name can be coded directly into AmphetaDesk. So you'd have
    three options in the UI that map onto extra chunks of HTML
    that get dropped into the anchor tag:

    New window --> ' target="_blank"'
    Same window --> ''
    Extra window --> ' target="AmphetaDeskLinks"'

    Which isn't to say that "Extra window" is the best
    description for the UI. ;-)

  • Morbus Iff

    Morbus Iff - 2003-12-12
    • summary: Open Link in Always Same Separate Window --> Open Link in Always Same Separate Window
  • Morbus Iff

    Morbus Iff - 2003-12-12

    Logged In: YES

    It'd be nice if I could have links open up in new Mozilla
    tabs too (granted, I can do this with the keyboard easily
    enough), but hey, save me a keypress.


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