
Welcome to Open Discussion

  • Víctor Méndez

    Víctor Méndez - 2010-08-04

    Welcome to Open Discussion

  • Víctor Méndez

    Víctor Méndez - 2010-08-09

    Now we have to think in the branching and develop agenda.

    From my point of view we can do two branches:
    1) root code, PHP4
    2) PHP5 flavour

    The list of pending developing is the following, tell me if something is miss or if you have other ideas:

    1) open the branch of PHP5 flavour.
    For this task, the main changes from the php4 branch is to declair the exception/catch code area instead of functions return code, mainly for connect to the AMGA trough the mdclient class. There are some examples I have attached.

    2) Working in the PHP4 branch
    2.1) change the authentication method to X503 certificates installed in the browser, the certificate may travel to the amganavigator webserver, and without store it in the webserver create the user proxy + AC to perform the aunthentication in gLite environment.
    I don't have detailed documentation about this issue, maybe something of websphere?
    2.2) The integration method of AMGA with the catalog LFC.
    Are we going to use the internal GUID or a automatic and generic LFN attribute to all the directories/entries.
    I am going to have a look in the AMGA DB to see how the internal GUIDs are going on, and if it is possible to use the PHP amga API to manage it. I think that could be the best option.
    Before the generic LFN attribute option I prefer the GUID one, and if is not possible, then propose somekind of direct correspondence between the AMGA name and the LFN, for example: amga-> /grid/ corresponds to LFN: lfn:/grid/ thus any operation in the amaganavigator maybe replicated automatically in the LFC.

    I think is enough by the moment, give me your feedback and which tasks would you like to develop? I would be gratefull to start with 2.1


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