
Automated Music Composition / News: Recent posts

Any feedback?


It's good to see quite a few people have downloaded the program and the report. I realise at the moment it may be difficult working out what's going on etc - in a week or two I will make a better tutorial/walkthrough.

Until then - if you have any comments or questions please use the message boards


Posted by Phil Carmalt 2004-06-25

amc v0.1.2 files released

Here you go!

Posted by Phil Carmalt 2004-06-18

Final Report added

I have added my university Final Report for this project to the files list. This is in pdf format and is 75 pages. It goes into extensive detail regarding the design, implmentation and evaluation of AMC. It also contains a user guide in the appendix.

Posted by Phil Carmalt 2004-06-18

Project homepage setup is now up and running. At the moment it is just a couple of paragraphs and a screenshot - more later.

Posted by Phil Carmalt 2004-06-15

amc v0.1 files released

The first version of Automated Music Composition has been released as a .zip (Executable) or a source .zip (Visual C++ workspace and full source code).

All code has been added to CVS. Feel free to browse CVS before you download the whole source code.

Posted by Phil Carmalt 2004-06-15