
San Jacinto goes into the sunset

San Jacinto obviously never hit 2.0, and you're
probably wondering why since a year ago it was at 1.9.5. The distance to a
full, supportable 2.0 was too far for me to bridge alone, and the project never attracted additional members. Since the library
never took off either commercially or as an open source project, and with
JDK 1.4 gaining steam and really requiring a re-thinking of a lot of the code,
I stopped work on the GPL'd version. (I maintained and continued a much smaller
JDK 1.4 variant for personal use.) While people have been willing to adopt
more focused open source extensions (e.g. Struts), no general purpose library
has gained traction beyond the Apache commons library--San Jacinto included.
I had other projects and limited resources, so it seemed best to just end it.
So it's with regret that I'm announcing this project's retirement. I'll leave
the final GPL version on SourceForge for anyone wishing to either adopt the
project or to use it as is.

Posted by Kyle Downey 2003-09-24

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