
Is allocPSA suitable for IP management services?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-07-28

    Hi everyone,

    I hope you are well!

    Can anyone help me with the following?

    I have some doubts which I will explain. We are a small Spanish Intellectual Property firm and we would like to know if allocPSA can suit our needs for IP management and how should we structure all common and repetitive tasks with this software.

    Clients, which can be national or international (is allocPSA Multilanguage? and multi-currency?), may have filed or registered on their behalf one or many of the following types of IP rights/assets/files: Trademark, Patent, Design, Copyright, represented by our firm.

    Each of these IP rights or files need to undergo different examination processes before the national or regional Office in question, i.e. Spanish, European, International, other national Offices, which we need to manage/prosecute all cases, stages and steps to take during the procedure, which can always vary from one to the other, briefly summarized:

    Internal/commercial steps
    0. Potential client approach. (Receive email, call, and quotation request)
    0. Send requested information. (Enter contact details, remind if no instructions are received.)
    0. Client registration. (Enter contact details.)
    0. Receiving from client every needed requirement (Details, ownership, instructions, payment, etc.)
    0. Prior search (Report result to client) and if favorable then,

    Procedural steps
    1. Filing the application of TM, Pat., Design (receive official docs., send to client and inform of application date, number, details)
    2. Office action, (Variable. Receive official notice, inform client with average deadline to respond to be automatically calculated from date of official notice, remind if no response is received. Proceed to file response if client has instructed, paid.)
    2. Response (Inform client and attach response docs. and receipt)
    2. Publication of application (Inform client)
    3. Third party Opposition (Variable. Inform client with assessment, and average deadline to respond, to be automatically calculated from date of provisional refusal, remind if no response is received. Proceed to file response if client has instructed, paid.)
    3. Filing our observations in reply to opposition (Inform client and attach observations in reply docs. and receipt)
    4. Decision. Refusal of application (Variable. Receive official notice, inform client with average deadline of appeal to be automatically calculated from date of official notice, remind if no response is received. Proceed to file appeal if client has instructed, paid.)
    4. Decision. Registration of application (Variable. Receive official notice, inform client of next publication and of certificate of registration with deadline on which it can be appealed to be automatically calculated from date of official notice.)
    4. Publication of registration (Inform client of publication).
    5. Appealed decision by either party (Variable. Receive official notice, inform client with average deadline of rejoinder to be automatically calculated from date of official notice. Proceed to file rejoinder if client has instructed, paid.)
    6. Final Decision. Registration (Variable. Receive official notice, inform client with average deadline for the other party to appeal before the Court to be automatically calculated from date of official notice. Proceed to file rejoinder if client has instructed, paid.)
    6. Final Decision. Refusal (Variable. Receive official notice, inform client with average deadline to appeal before the Court to be automatically calculated from date of official notice. Proceed to file rejoinder if client has instructed, paid.)
    After the examination procedure has ended, each right or file still exists and needs to be maintained to be kept in force.

    Renewal/Maintenance steps
    Trademarks. National, Regional and International (10 year term from application date, due date to be automatically calculated from filing date)
    Patents. National and Regional (Annually from application date, due date to be automatically calculated from filing date)
    Designs. National, Regional and International (5 year term from application date, due date to be automatically calculated from filing date)
    7. Renewal notice (Inform client well before the due date, remind if no response is received)
    7. Renewal request (Proceed to file renewal if client has instructed, paid. Inform client and attach renewal request docs. and receipt)
    7. Renewal granted (Inform client)
    7. Renewal published (Inform client of publication and of certificate of renewal)

    Should each of these files’ possible steps be created as “Projects” or “Tasks” ? and how about the variable steps?
    Can we send Emails, quotes and invoices from standardized templates, combining clients’ details?
    Does allocPSA allow document management?
    Is it possible to import contacts and files data into allocPSA from Excel files?
    The application will be managed by at least 5 users from our staff.

    I just would like to have an overall idea on how should we structure and adapt this software to our needs, making sure that we avoid mistakes due to our lack of knowledge on these systems.

    Great thanks for your time!


  • Con Zymaris

    Con Zymaris - 2014-07-29


    the best thing to do is to go here:

    and trial allocPSA out for yourself, to determine if it will do what you need.


    -- Con

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2014-07-29

      Hi Con,

      Thanks for your reply.

      The point is that I am lost when I get into this demo, so I would very much appreciate just an overall idea on how should we create the stages to allow a good control of the whole process and where should we start from, having in mind the info provided. If by your or anyone else's answer, this may be suitable for our needs, then we would get deeply into learning and adapting it.

      Thank you!



  • Con Zymaris

    Con Zymaris - 2014-07-29


    all the information you need is probably contained here:

    (you'll need to log into the demo to gain access; username/password: alloc/alloc)

    -- Con

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-07-30

    Thanks, I will try to find out in the demo.



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