
Install allocPSA on Digital Ocean VPS

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-07-26

    I'd like to install the newest version of allocPSA on my VPS @ digital ocean. Can someone give mea step by step to get the files onto the server, and install them so I can configure alloc? I've already got the LAMP stack installed. I'm a total noob when it comes to *nix.

  • Alex Lance

    Alex Lance - 2014-07-26

    Well, you're asking a lot. Essentially an application deployment tutorial in an environment that it takes years to become proficient in.

    But I can give you a rough idea of what's involved. And then I will politely suggest you go and use the hosting platform which will take care of everything for you.

    Here goes:

    get the archive file from sourceforge

    wget -O alloc.tgz

    copy it to your webserver

    scp alloc.tgz yourserver:

    open a terminal and 'ssh' (ie transport yourself over to) your server

    ssh yourserver

    unpack the archive

    tar xvf alloc.tgz

    figure out where your web server serves files from

    grep -rsi DocumentRoot /etc/apache/* # the path you find is the web root dir

    move the unpacked archive into the web server's document root

    mv allocPSA-1.8.8/ /the-webroot-dir-from-above

    fire up your web browser and run through the alloc installer


    Then you've got to configure email sending and receiving - google postfix installation/configuration. Maybe digital ocean have already taken care of that.

    Then install the alloc cronjobs, mysql, postfix, and any other dependencies it requires.

    Feel free to report back here periodically with questions, but if it's taking hours and hours - I would suggest you ask yourself how much your time is worth - and then use the hosting platform.

    Kind regards,
    Alex Lance



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