

  • Andrew K. Wolven

    Can anyone show an example of doing a doing a redirect?  I would like the browser to load a new url to be displayed in the 'Location:' field.  I seem to remember being able to do this with other servers; perhaps I am using the wrong terminology.  My guess is that I am supposed to have something in the response headers [of initial uri], but I cannot seem to get it right.
    Also, this is kind of a CL question, but what do I need to do so that I can run the server in development debug mode?  I don't want to print errors, I want to trap them and give me a debugger.

    Andrew K. Wolven

    P.S.  It is both easy to implement and useful to have a prefix match with a user response function.  I would like to suggest adding a publish-prefix or similar to the source.

    • John Foderaro

      John Foderaro - 2000-06-05

      Here's an answer to the first of the three questions you asked.  
      It is an example of doing a redirect that I'll add to the examples file. 

      ;; do a redirect to the picture

      (publish :path "/pic-redirect"
           :content-type "text/html"
           #'(lambda (req ent)
               (with-http-response (req ent
                            :response *response-moved-permanently*)
                 (setf (reply-header-slot-value req "location") "/pic")
                 (with-http-body (req ent)
               ;; this is optional and most likely unnecessary since most
               ;; browsers understand the redirect response
                 (:head (:title "Object Moved"))
                  (:h1 "Object Moved")
                  "The picture you're looking for is now at "
                  ((:a :href "/pic") "This location"))))))))

      • Andrew K. Wolven

        that's what I wanted to do.


    • John Foderaro

      John Foderaro - 2000-06-05

      second question: how do you debug response handlers.

      The manual describes a function net.aserve::debug-on that can be be used to turn off the normal condition
      handling, thus allowing error breaks to occur.  This works best when using the emacs-lisp interface since
      when error breaks occur in background processes a new emacs window is created in which to debug
      that background process.   One thing that we can't turn off (at this time) is the fact that there is a timeout for
      the response function.  Thus you only have a few minutes to debug the problem before the timeout kicks in and the response function aborts  (you can always increase the timeout time).

    • John Foderaro

      John Foderaro - 2000-06-05

      question 3: add a publish-prefix function

      this is a good idea.   We already have the mechanism in place to handle this.

      • Christian Nybo

        Christian Nybo - 2000-09-20

        jfoderaro wrote:
        > question 3: add a publish-prefix function

        > this is a good idea. We already have the mechanism in place to
        > handle this.

        Is there a function for this yet?


        • John Foderaro

          John Foderaro - 2000-09-21

          not yet.

          The publish-directory function has all the code that's needed, we just need to split out the part that does prefix publishing into a separate function and then the directory publisher can use it as can a general prefix-based entities.


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