

  • Dr. Richard S. Wallace

    Can you ask for help in the form of a question?

    • alexander wilbourne

      I am very interested in obtaining a learning alice, so that I could do some development.  I want to develop an algorithm that will parse sentences into adverbial phrases, sentence clauses and stuff, so I can create entities that respond to you, and give you the feeling that they understood your questions on a wholistic level, can answer two part questions.  I am having a time locating the download for the pro alice bot?


      a l e X  w i l b o u r n e

    • alexander wilbourne

      I am trying to understand the database structure and the languages that are used to access the database, and most importantly making alice learn.  Yes I am new to this, but I am extremely motivated to learn so as to accomplish the affore mentioned goal.


      a l e X  w i l b o u r n e

    • Trish

      Trish - 2001-05-09

      Good day!!

      I've been following Alice and Dany's development for quite some time, in fact my final year project is based on these chatterbots. Alice is capable in chatting whereas my project is based on the vocabulary domain. For instance, if a user types in the word "auspicious" then the system will generate the meaning to the users. So, the usage of the expert system is to store the words, the meaning of it and the sentence construction as well. This usage of AIML is similar to the usage of a database. So, the question is it it revelant for me to use AIML or should i just use a database like MS Access or SQL to store the words ? PLS clear my doubts. THANK YOU !!

    • Trish

      Trish - 2001-05-10

      Good day!
         I would like to know whether is it relevant for me to use AIML to store data, like the meanings of words or should i just use a database like SQL ? THANK YOU !


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