
From alpha to beta stage

A couple of changes have been made to the client and the server code base lately:

  • The client now checks at startup wheter the 'Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files' are installed - if not the program terminates presenting a corresponding message to the user.
  • The client now checks if packets haven't been acknowledged within the last 5 minutes and if so puts them back into the 'Pending' state.
  • At startup the client now resets all outgoing packets back to the 'Pending' state.
  • The server code was adapted so that packets that haven't been relayed within the last 5 minutes get deleted.
  • Finally a button has been added to the 'New message' tab so that users are now able to clear the attachment field in case an attachment has been sent before.
  • A couple of additional exception catch blocks have further improved robustness and stability of the client code.

These modifications and improvements have finally led to a pretty stable version of the AleHu messaging system. A lot of testing has taken place sending gigabytes of traffic (mostly movies from the Internet Archive at and all those transmitted packets have safely arrived at their destination after being relayed by the AleHu server. As a consequence, the alpha stage was left and we have now entered the beta stage.

Posted by ChillAut 2014-04-27

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