
Movie display in IE8 is wrong

  • qwerty759

    qwerty759 - 2010-02-10

    if i open my filmdb database in IE8 the height is not good
    again i know this movie database is developed for Firefox, but i have some users on IE8

  • qwerty759

    qwerty759 - 2010-02-10

    Sorry about the pictures but i uploaded the wrong ones
    here are the good ones

  • qwerty759

    qwerty759 - 2010-03-24

    Is there a solution for this problem?
    this is almost the same problem i mentioned in opera a wile ago.
    so is this also the inner height problem?

  • qwerty759

    qwerty759 - 2010-09-23

    I tested this again in IE and noticed a yellow icon in the left lower corner

    I made a picture of the error screen:

    Maybe this is the problem why filmdb doesn't work right in IE
    Can it be that the security settings are in the way?

    maybe ucanmexwise can sort this one out?

  • ucanmexwise

    ucanmexwise - 2010-09-24

    FilmDB will run with no error in IE 8 when the following line in list.php …


    … looks like this …


  • qwerty759

    qwerty759 - 2010-09-24


    It did fix the error but it didn't fix the problem that i described above unfortunately

  • qwerty759

    qwerty759 - 2010-09-25

    Strangely enough it works correctly in IE 7 with the correct layout!
    It is only in IE 8 that i see the problem.

  • qwerty759

    qwerty759 - 2010-09-25

    about my last post:

    i tested in IE 7 again today an i must admit that i'm wrong.

    The behavior i described above is the same in IE 7 and IE 8

    it does work in both but the problem remains, so maybe there is nothing to do about it?
    If so than this post can be closed i guess

  • qwerty759

    qwerty759 - 2010-09-25

    i do noticed a other problem with IE

    in movie list view if you click on the little arrow behind the movie name to open the movie properties, then there is nothing happening.

    IE list an error that said : could not get the display properly. invalid argument  line 333

  • qwerty759

    qwerty759 - 2010-09-28

    I think i found the answer to my problem

    i have tested with a new installation on another computer and it works perfectly in IE!
    I'm very surprised by this! so i tested with the database from the old install and it works perfectly again.
    then i tested with my old install and the problem re-appears immediately.

    I have absolutely no  idea what's wrong, but i guess my installation went corrupt somehow.

    i ow you a apologize for the inconvenience i caused.

    only the problem in the last post remains a problem

    well the good news is i learned something and maybe this will fix other problems as well to others.
    and the error in IE is at least solved too. 

  • qwerty759

    qwerty759 - 2010-09-30

    i still have another problem with IE

    the display is in IE 7 perfect like in firefox, but not in IE 8.
    In IE 8 the height is too long, so the search bar is below the screen.

    I made some screen shots to make it visible:



  • qwerty759

    qwerty759 - 2010-11-12

    is there a solution to the last problem about the screen height in IE8?

    i have tested this in Ie9 beta and there is the height also a problem.
    and the search bar disappears when you try to click on it.
    I know it is a beta version, so it may not be reliable to test with it


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